Wtf are you on? This is The Root; they shit on black men all the time
Wtf are you on? This is The Root; they shit on black men all the time
And this same website memeing the hell out of and making jokes about it
Good thing this event stopped the Root from race baiting and hating white people.
Imagine if this idiot hadnt faked a crime
Dreflection. You play hockey?
If only this was applied to white people. But that wouldn't fit the Root's race baiting
Do you play hockey? You’re good at deflecting.
What do ya do when your website is built on race baiting but hate crime is fake?
Man, it really hurts you that this is all fake.
Is this what AOC meant by being "morally correct" ??
Ace is the place with the bleach and hate crime ropes.
Hi Jussie!
So the alleged is not white? This article won’t get very much play here at The Root
The amount of hypocrisy in the article when compared to the root in general is high-larious
In a world where cops take drugs and dealers off the streets..the cops are the bad guys.
Do I even need to post the crime stats or is it already well known?
Once again, The Root doesn't care about racism unless you are white.
Class and wealth privelege dont exist. It's all about skin color to the racists at The Root
With a crime rate of 71 per one thousand residents, Birmingham has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One’s chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 14. Within Alabama, more than…