*for dayz
*for dayz
What, since when am I in the grays again? :(
You are quite right, people who are jealous often try to undermine or control the achievements of others to feel better about their own failures. It’s one of the worst characteristics of humans and overcoming it speaks volumes about a person’s self-development.
No, he likes to assume that is the case because that makes him feel better about his situation - he is either jealous that some people are driving what he can’t afford, or he is angry that other (lesser) people can drive a MB like himself. Either case, his comment is quite sad. I’d lease a CLA just to piss him off,…
This is not how to handle a scientific hypothesis - with such a complex system interaction and that opportunistic an experimental setup all you can prove is that not all lightnings cause that specific plane to “explode”. Then you could use this instance is include it to the prior statistical information about planes…
Easy. The lower models have large air ducts for looks, but they are mostly fake/blanked out with tiny portions actually open to airflow because they don’t need them would only cause unnecessary drag and fuel economy penalty. The AMG one has more (all?) of the ducted area open for cooling, so despite it looking…
Kind sir, could you explain this (meme?) to me? What is the significance of the Russian flag and the bird?
Oh, I absolutely agree that everyone should have the freedom choose whatever they want, not just cars but everything else - from gender identity and sexuality to marital, reproductive and freedom of speech rights, political and ideological freedom, etc. So, I am usually fascinated by different car cultures, but every…
But the transmission? Is it a CVT, an automated manual or a shushbox? It still baffles me to the point of stomach discomfort. You said it was fully optioned, so I gather with the auto it’s kinda the top luxury version. And I think this version fits the Civic the absolute least.
I feel nothing... maybe if it were a proper Type R, but to me this is just an automatic scrap pile. I gather it needs the Type-R gearbox, seats, steering rack, suspension, wheels, brakes, etc. to make it a Type-R performance clone? Of course then it would be worthless on the market, since it is not genuine. And even…
No, I got ya, I just used the opportunity to preemptively explain myself. I am paranoid like that.
I wasn’t so much crossed about the German engineering statement specifically, but I get white with rage when someone takes one sample and judges the whole dataset by it. You might be already tired of this argument since it is used against sexism and racism (because it’s true), but stochastic analysis is my trade and…
I didn’t see it. Was it because I liken the models to “(bag of) bones”? Well, they (she?) do look quite bony and while my comment was targeted at ridiculing the industry and not meant for body shaming, it does seem a little mean, I admit. That said, the level of aggression might just be appropriate given the amount of…
“Rag and Bones” perfectly describes their clothes on their models.