Good point!
Good point!
Infinite props to the guy for getting to the position of having this amount of fun - I’m massively jealous for it. I don’t really follow him to know what he said, however I have seen his insufferable teenage fans with their raging little boners popping up everywhere saying how he’ll destroy WRC when they heard he was…
What, only race drivers can judge the performance of other race drivers? I am not the greatest driver either, but I don’t need to be one to see he is no Loeb. Similarly, you don’t have to be a professional telemetry analyst to see he was beaten by S2000 cars while he was in WRC... Besides, when you enter a high…
Precisely why he quit WRC - unlike his Dirt games, there is no “Rewind” button after each crash. Only humiliation.
Meh, these are outliers. No other brand or even other BMW model is this way. So, unless you happen to be in the tiiiiny customer base that buys those manual M5s, it’s completely meaningless to have the choice for the other 99.9999% of the enthusiasts.
The truck has Russian plates
Do you blame the case material or design? (It’s weird you said “metal”, as this is clearly an advantage from a cooling standpoint.)
It is true that even people who fly panes sometimes go undiagnosed when they get their license. As you know, a medicals for a driver’s license only checks sight and other basic functions. I think it might be unpractical to have a psychological test as well as they are quite tricky and take time. So, I guess unless you…
Ok, I should have used “Incident”. Of course he has to carry full responsibility, and I should also admit that it’s quite rare to have such a case of mental illness, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he’s just a terrorist.
Yes, but if he is deemed dangerous he will not be let to roam the world free in any case. And if he were proven to be a terrorist with a clear (albeit brainwashed) mind, then by all means, kill him - it’s not legal in Europe, but I’d be OK with it.
It depends - maybe it was a combination, maybe it was only one or the other. I just exploited one option, but of course, nothing is ever purely black or white, there is always nuance.
The man was said to have had mental problems, so mental help and a subjection to analysis would help us prevent future accidents. But yes, what you said is more satisfying despite achieving fuck all.
Meh, every generation is just as shitty as the others, it’s the nuances of shitty-ness that reflect the times during which they were raised. There will always be smart/successful people, and human garbage, and all in between. At least nowadays it’s more difficult to be excused for ignorance when just about anyone with…
It’s sometimes ruinously expensive to pay parking, tax, insurance, payments and fuel on 2 cars, especially in an expensive urban zone. Reality sucks sometimes...
I think my generation (early 90’s) were the first to get infinite free porn just in time for high school. This makes me realize we will probably be the only kids to ever have 2 childhoods - one oldschool with ball games, bikes and scratched knees, and a second one mixed with normal adolescent life throughout high…
Learning to drive a manual transmission on the car you just stole with cops on your tail is very much like having sex for the first time without having practiced for years with porn - you’d be finished in no time.