I agree, this is strictly personal.
I agree, this is strictly personal.
I am not a student. I have done 23 track days year. I demand a full refund and coverage of all my expenses.
Uuuuhm, how about no fucking pushrods? One is an 11kRPM musical instrument that has many KW’s and CO2’s as glorious byproducts, the other thing is a generator that you’d use to start a small ship’s engine.
I agree it’s sometimes a bummer, but at least you’re not forced to go for the top spec trim every time... like the GT86 cannot be had without alcantara and climate control, which drives the price up to ridiculous levels. I guess both have pros and cons and everyone wants what they can’t have :)
I live for driving, so fuck the expense. But yeah, it’s borderline retarded to own a car in any remotely big city here.
You obviously like it, so I will not insult it as much as I’d like to. But even with it being the best VW (ever?), it still does nothing for me, not even a semi-boner :)
Too bad the WRX is not available in Europe, only the STI. Go big or go home, I guess...
God DAMMIT! Now we need even MORE border patrol.
What? Show me one new car without clear coat.
By “Camaro”, do you mean “car with bad visibility”? I don’t get it. Otherwise, excellent video! HAIL THE JALOPNIK YOUTUBE DOMINATION!
You already did, my friend.
I agree, calling a tarmac rally handbrake in a hairpin a drift is like calling the Mulsanne straight a drag race: very similar at first glance, but one is an integral part of some of the highest level technical disciplines, and the other is... not.
Oh, stop it with this ridiculous oversimplifid black/white world view... The reason why the Maxima is not sporty is not because it’s FWD, but because it’s a big luxury boat. There are many FWD sports cars like the Meganne RS that will put to shame most RWD coupes in terms of track manners. Like RWD, FWD isn’t…
I hear you. I didn’t know about the rumor, but I assumed since it’s Renault, and the people being the vane idiots that they are, will not shell Porsche money for something French. So, I assumed Renault will aim for a lower price bracket.
So, by your logic, any car that isn’t capable of gravel rallying from the factory is for people “with no engineering sense”? It looks perfectly fine for asphalt racing, so there is lots of engineering sense.
I agree, to me F1 is extremely boring as a spectator’s sport, but the tech around it is pure porn.
I think the most valuable test bed is the FWD layout with RWD help based on hybrid power source, since it hasn’t gotten any racing development until now. Volvo and Peugeot/Citroen (and probably some more companies) have this hybrid setup for economy, but it will be nice to get some performance development, too.
Why all the hate on Nissan? This is their second properly crazy prototype and you should be glad it exists. Why do we care for the 2 sec lost on Mulsanne? What’s important for us is the technology developed for those prototypes that might come as safety, speed and/or economy tech in their future consumer models. If it…