BiTurbo228 - Dr Frankenstein of Spitfires

Ah, never knew that. Yeah it might have a decent effect then :S

Agreed or it will encourage others to leave, or at least sway those that are on the fence.

Good news then! Despite the referendum going the opposite way that I wanted, it would seem that there's a possibility that all the things I think are important (tax-free trade, freedom of movement and the continuation of the UK as we know it) may still remain intact :) fingers crossed.

Interesting. I suppose with a major country leaving the EU it would affect confidence in the other EU countries as well. We'll have to wait and see for the true financial impact of it all after it's actually formally requested and negotiations have taken place.

Much easier said than done unfortunately, and certainly easier when you have a solid consumer base that you can use to fund investment in other markets.

I thought a referendum was already on the cards, with a 60% estimated ‘leave’ proportion. Might have been speculation though.

Huh, would never have thought that given how close Germany is geographically.

As a UK citizen I sincerely hope you're right, but the skeptic in me doesn't quite believe that. There's a fraction of the benefit that would be gained in an EU trade deal available from Britain, and even less as soon as the Scots have their referendum (they've traditionally been more pro-EU than England, and it was a

Are there that many American cars sold here to make a difference? I know Ford and Vauxhall are US-owned, but it was always my understanding that there was a bit of a divide between the US and European organisations of each.

The Sterling has been in recession for a while, but it hasn’t dropped 20% in two days before. This may not be as bad as people think, but it’s definitely not a good thing.

The US has already stated that it will prioritise large trading blocs over smaller countries, so that puts us pretty much dead last in the queue.

Hmmm, other candidates for this process could be the Land Rover Series/Defender and maybe CJ Jeeps, although the Corvette is a better comparison as it's kept up with modern technology continuously throughout its iterations.

Not only that, but it's pointed at him. That suggests to me that the person recording the video thinks that the most interesting thing that people will want to see is his own face talking...

Ah, I’ve replied to a couple of different comments and probably missed the nuances of what each person was thinking!

Yeah I think you’re right there. If he was that good an archer, he’d have hit Jon too (or at least hit him in the leg or something).

Hmmm, you're right there...

The first point you’ve made about Ramsey is true (although my argument was that they defeated a full force of Baratheons by waiting in Winterfell and letting the winter kill them, which you can be damn certain would be Ramsey’s ploy if he knew there was a superior force he was facing).

Eh, I don’t get the Sansa hate (or the praise of her being a master manipulator).

You forget it because the actor’s quite grown up by now, but Rickon’s a child. A child that’s been kept far away from anywhere he’d learn that kind of thing.

I’m sure they would have done that if the Wildlings (or Wun Wun) had ever encountered a phalanx before.