BiTurbo228 - Dr Frankenstein of Spitfires

Now, you see, I had the opposite reaction to Oblivion/Skyrim. I utterly love Morrowind, taking me to a completely alien and infinitely inventive world that beautifully meshed high and low fantasy elements.

Yep. Team Kristen.

Same think on NA MX-5s :)

“For one, you should drive your old car as long as possible, even if it’s a gas guzzler.”

Yeah it’s two winks of the hazard, certainly in the UK. Short enough that it’s easily distinguishable between ‘thanks’ and ‘careful’.

The onus is on them because what they want done is the opposite of what the people doing it would predict. All moral and ethical quandries aside, it’s simply the practical aspects that dictate how it works.

Quite simple as far as I’m concerned. Unless a DNR is written and signed on an official standardised document, it is not a DNR. It’s simply a tattoo stating ‘I don’t want to be resuscitated’. To which the answer is ‘that’s nice, now go and fill out the form like everyone else’.

It’s as deeply flawed as our own illusion that we’re entities with free will. If all actions are pre-determined (not by fate, but by the biological mechanics of our brains and the stimuli we experience), but we maintain the illusion that some of them aren’t, then ‘responsibility’ simply hinges on whether said actions

“So ... the only valid expression of individuality is taking part in what everyone else is doing? This reads as, “sucking is not doing what I think you should be doing. You can choose to be awesome, but only for an explicitly extroverted value of awesome.”

That hits the nail on the head for the established popular moral code shared by most people, yes. Is it actually right though?

Equally possible is the worldview that we do, in fact, have no control over our actions and choices, simply the illusion that we do. Every action we take is a result of impossibly complex subconscious clockwork that spits out a thought or action based on nothing more than the input stimuli and its own architecture.

The issue in those professions is that people are expected to work way in excess of their contracted hours in order to get work done that should require two people, not just you.

Is it just me, or are there bigger fish to fry with the effort that would otherwise be spent on rectifying the fantastically minor inconvenience of having to say thankyou to someone after you sneeze?

Remember, it’s a lot easier to rustle cattle if everyone thinks you died 120 years ago” - BiTurbo228, worlds first time-travelling cowboy

I see the point in this. There’s a lot of push that failure isn’t something to feel bad about, but to be honest whenever I’ve tried to persuade someone of that it hasn’t really worked at changing anything for the better, really.

Absolutely agreed. First GP I went to (end of the V8 era), the people I spoke to said ‘we recommend you bring earplugs’. When I ignored their sage advice I had ringing in my ears for days.

I appreciate the mind-blowingness of the circle area thing, but as you allude to at the end this does sound like a classic case of value being seen as the same as price (if those are the right words).

While personally I’d feel pretty bad about purposely hiding a piece of information from someone in order to make financial gain (especially if they seemed like a reasonable person or in need of the finances), there’s a part of my brain that’s telling the moral-centre to grow a spine..

As another fellow 40k dude (with a bent towards INQ28 stuff), this.

Ooh, here’s another one.