Burn It To The Ground

U-S-A! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!!

Fucking Florida. The majority of its citizenry is as predictable as Bills fans.

If Fooliani wasn’t “famous” and instead was just a regular old man, he’d be in a nursing home babbling the same nonsense until he got his meds.

Good one!

Well this seems reasonable.

Now playing

What are the chances Weird Al does us a solid and records “PussyGrabber”?




So oppressed.

Thanks for not speaking in absolutes or epitomes.

What I’m having trouble understanding is this: How in the world do people still think (anything remotely close to) this type of behavior toward women is acceptable? Are there really that many scumbags out there who simply don’t give a shit? Feel that entitled? W. T. F.

Major Garrett just dropped some fucking knowledge.

Suck it, Trebek!

True indeed.

Yeah, me neither, with the election coming up and whatnot.

You’re right — Brady changed his mind and said his words were taken out of context. So, since we’re waxing semantic: He did not outright “endorse” Trump; he merely said he hoped Trump would become POTUS and that it would be great if he did. It’s shameful that I misconstrued such remarks as support.

Has any other politician — save for Dick Cheney — invoked 9/11 more often than Guiliani for his/her political purposes?

Yes, because I never leave the house.

Apparently I stuttered: Brady brought this up in the first place and endorsed an egomaniacal assclown. So to clarify: I don’t give a fuck what Brady’s opinions are, but I DO give a fuck about his public persona holding sway over people.