Burn It To The Ground

I only made it through 48 seconds. She’s gonna be huge. We’re all fucked.

If Drill-Mellum were a hockey or football player, this story might have had a different outcome.

Dick move, dicks!

+1 comparison

Now playing

I dig all that you’re saying. Small (friendly) quibble: I think 9/11 is the obvious answer, and it certainly played a significant role in said morphing, but I think everyone was still in shock and awe at that point.

I think this is probably correct. So early-2003 to now... Look how far we’ve come.


A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”

Yes; that motherfucker was always peeing. Kindergarten in 1985, rural Ohio.

If you can't make that kind of commitment to THE FUCKING JOB TO WHICH YOU ASPIRE, find another job, dickhead.


I think what Harrison is trying to say is that having a white birth mother (and white adoptive parents) disqualifies Kaepernick from being “black enough.”

Stop making sense, Hamilton.

People do realize CK is not solely black, correct?

An honest, respectful question: When did supporting the troops morph into troop worship?

“I’m reminded that ‘if you don’t like it, get out’ was a common rejoinder to political protests of the Bush era—as if America were perfect, and supporting it means never acknowledging its faults, and if you want to call attention to its shortcomings and work to make it better, you must not truly love it. That refrain s

When the fuck are gasbags like Hodge going to stop trying to live in the 1950s and realize that weed is waaaaay safer that alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, et al?