Bitter Young Man

I'd argue that the poor decision was doing any of it in the first place, but beyond that most of the people acted about as rationally as they could have at that altitude. If you do want to revisit it, one way to make it all more palatable might be to read it from the perspective of these people being extremely sleep

My main takeaway was [[SPOILER]] the woman totally encased in a thin layer of ice who turned out to still be fucking alive. That was hideous.

Props on Fever Ray, I don't have the courage to listen to that album for fear of being plunged into an inescapable world of pitch-black isolation and sorrow again. Karin Dreijer Andersson's good at that.

Bootleg is such a fun song

I think Chris Wear's work is generally considered to be both very high quality and an excellent use of the medium, though I haven't personally read any of it. Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth seems like the place to start.

Which 90's era Nickelodeon cartoon implied that people who like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have no taste?

I was on a big mountain-climbing documentary kick last year, and after I ran out of those I picked up Into Thin Air. As a purely interest-based read, it was riveting - some of its images really stuck with me. I'm not sure how I would have felt about it as a reading assignment, though.

Fading Gigolo went from good to great pretty much when he showed up

Dear god, I didn't think this movie could get any more 80s. I was so wrong.

Yeah - I wanted to upvote it for the first half but couldn't upvote it because of the second half, so I'm upvoting you instead.

"the king shit of fuck mountain"
Thank you, English language. Never change.

You haven't seen Wally Shawn until you've seen him in alternating fast-slow-fast motion!

Alright, man. Why don't you describe to us what the wallet looks like?

That'd be nice of you - he left it at a fast food station about a mile south of a man with a sombrero who was four feet high.

I'll try to be more acerbic next time

Trope inversion: he thinks it all over after he gets off stage.

Make the window smaller and a different banner ad will load which does have an X

Mmmmeh. I don't mean to be an internet-dick or anything but I personally wouldn't sort Crimson Peak or War Horse into the 'good' category - I'd classify the former as "interesting mix-tape of great elements from previous, better del Toro movies" and the latter as "mostly competent exercise in emotional manipulation

The trailer for this made it look like everything I absolutely hate about biopics. Like, watching it felt like someone did a riff on that Kids in the Hall oscars sketch but for listless "this one guy sure did and felt some things, eh?!" films.

Sounds like my jam, I'm already a big fan of German punk outfit Wer-was-Geeeeeeeschrieben