Bitter Young Man

Dear god I want to watch his scenes like, 30 more times, but the movie is never going to be popular enough for them to show up on youtube.

Unfortunately she wasn't, but if they ever tour again I know what I have to do

So, my BSS story - they played a (great) free concert at our campus while I was in college, and for some reason or another my friends and I had brought this huge dog-sized sack of birdseed to the show and took turns hoisting it around the dance floor while the rest of us hopped up and down to the songs.

He sounds like an ungrateful little mother fuck, to me.

Don't you diss Left Shark. Whether or not we admit it there's a little bit of Left Shark in all of our hearts.

Yeah Ferl….you're commenting on an article about selfless individuals….you're gonna have to get used to that.

┬─┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

That's really interesting, I found the exact opposite with regards to self-titled and Plastic Beach; for me, the former was an instant-love and the latter I've warmed up to but still haven't quite gotten to "love" status yet.

I'd give it a few listens/months. My usual arc with Gorillaz material is to not recognize it as music for a while and then suddenly fall in love with it.

It's DARE.

Wait, what?
*looks up Outside Lands lineup after ignoring it for 3 years*

"Uhhhhh..a golden girl gremlin?"

Huh, cool. Do you know if that subtext was intentional on Carnahan's part?

I'd be interested in hearing your argument for Smokin' Aces, because I hated it but haven't ever come across anyone who's even seen it, let alone have an opinion on it to argue with me about. I usually just tell people it's as unsatisfying as The Grey, and it doesn't even have any Liam Neeson.

Universal logo rolls over creepy ambient space sounds
Production titles fade in somber white over blank starscape beginning to get eclipsed by amorphous shadow
Suddenly, snarky Ryan Reynolds voiceover: Imagine you are Siri Keeton
Music cue: All-Star by Smashmouth

Yeah, they're both pronounced "sea-beep", right?

If you're a vegetarian that doesn't mind fake meat, there are two pork substitutes (that of course don't come close to the real thing, but..) add some nice texture and flavor to the dish -

The last slice of pizza your friend leaves for you being a little mutant sliver.

Oooh, can we have tracking too??

That's such a great way to describe BSS and the indie Toronto scene