oh, fuck. i totally experienced that this week.
A male feminist walks into a bar
I love you anyway.
That’s some nice retroactive rationalization there. Have you never questioned why that was used for everything? It *absolutely* meant that to everyone who used it, if not directly then it was implied. Saying that implies you are different and bad for it. Any behavior that’s less than manly, anything feminine, anything…
Please do remember when asking “What Would Jesus Do?” that flipping tables and chasing someone out of the building with a bullwhip is among the options available.
Fuck off with that nonsense.
Let me know when I can buy two stalks of celery instead of a whole bunch I won’t use before it goes bad.
are you a complete fucking idiot or just 95% fucking idiot or just shitty troll on kinja?
Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.
So *that’s* how gay marriage destroys God Approved Marriage....
You win. I was just coming to comment on the fact that these wackos seem to think that they can have an opinion on education when they can’t get through a paragraph without a spelling or grammatical error. You made me laugh though.
It was a very progressive show.
... What the hell is an “anti-marriage”?
It rides forth with four horsepersons across the land, and in its wake spring gender-inclusive public toilet facilities, craft breweries, feminist bookstores, and abortion clinics. You shall know it by its full sleeve tattoos, gender-non-conforming clothing, and Warby-Parker glasses. Trusteth not the Rachel Maddow…
My anti-marriage is frozen pizza and watching “Working Girl” for the 12th time.
Well, my anti-marriage is crafting...
It’s a lot like a normal marriage, but with the opposite electrical charge. If an anti-marriage touches a marriage, then they both vanish in an energetic reaction that emits the same amount of energy as contained in both marriages. They’re rare, but extremely dangerous.
That’s what my uncle has, right?
You try bracing yourself in a crash enough not to go flying out of your seat.