The Real Unsharer

So, you’re one of the racist trolls determined to destroy America. Congrats - the con man you elected is doing his best to do just that.... and by the way, he doesn’t give a shit about you. Fucking idiot.

So to summarize, ICE is actually ruining the promising futures of young men who came to this country as children, worked hard, and thrived. Meanwhile, the DOJ is busy investigating the tragic plight of the white kids ‘discriminated’ against in college admissions. And over at the Dept of Ed, DeVos is clutching her

As a child of immigrants who came here without knowing English, and to put themselves through graduate school with three kids inadvertently displaced by a civil war, I can most certainly say FUCK YOU to this entire administration.

Wouldn’t a “cosmopolitan bias” be the one that favors rich professionals?

Fuck these people.

Oh he doesn’t give a rats ass about, or if, asians are discriminated against. He’s just trying to put up the idea that it’s not just WHITES that are discriminated aginst. It’s our yellow (but not black or brown) brothers too.

Are we posting our furballs here? Well then, allow me to add my fluffy feline to the mix. This lil guy is the best. He loves allllll the snuggles and belly rubs.

Lily, relaxing at home.

Pet thread!

WHOAH- Hold up- is that hashtag implying that they’re pouring beer on her because she dated a black guy?!? So they’re not just trashy nouveau riche animal abusing psychos, they’re also racist shitbags?!?

If I don’t control my body, I don’t have anything.

I can be very pragmatic about a lot of issues, and I will be in the future. But backing down re: abortion rights is a sign that the party doesn’t value respect for women’s rights. I’d never vote for a conservative candidate for president but I genuinely don’t think I could hold my nose and vote for an anti-choice

They are willing to sell women down the river for votes. Literally. Sorry if our “single issue” “shortsightedness” makes you “angry”.

So...fuck over women’s rights to their own bodies, but just for a little while?

A woman’s right to choose is not negotiable.

I fully expect the usual Trump bootlicking from Mooch. He’s too craven to deviate

Yeah, well. I have a litmus test and I’m a voter.

Without any hard data indicating that “if it weren’t for the pro-choice stance, I would vote democrat” is a significant voting block, this is one of the dumbest fucking things ever.

The difference is Onaodowan replaced Groban after he was done with the show, his run was over. They didn’t let Onaodowan finish his nine week run, they cut it short by three weeks to replace him with Patinkin. If they had let Onaodowan finish out his run, it wouldn’t have been a big deal.

the law doesn’t compel her to be covered by her parents’ plan, it just allows her to be - she could get a job and pay into her own coverage like she wants everyone else to do