The Real Unsharer

Which is why I just invested my life’s earnings in bootstrap manufacturers. Suck it losers! Wait, I mean, Loosers!

I drive on Chicago expressways, in rush hour, every weekday; can confirm. Self driving car; take me away!

I’ll agree that they can be fiercely loyal, but I’ll disagree that’s the default. Think any of them would lift a finger if *45 went on a rampage against Cruz, for instance? Or most of the Freedom Caucus?

Naah. Lindsay Graham is John McCain II. Talks a good game, but knuckles under and toes the line every single time.

“non-Christian families”

Won’t it suck to be destroyed by our own creation

“That’s what I see in Minnesota — too many people who are afraid of being called ‘racist,’ ‘bigots,’ ‘Islamophobe,’ ” Bachmann said. “I’m not afraid of it.”

Sounds like a vivid fantasy he harbors himself.

Look at it this way: we can hope that he beats cancer and lives a long life being yelled at for his terrible decisions, maybe one day fully understanding just how hateful he is.

But just about EVERYBODY involved in the healthcare industry has come out swinging against this beast, and they are relentless in their efforts still! It would be a farce, if it wasn’t so deadly.

The arrestee thought he was Lucky in a sense, too, but we saw how that turned out.

On some level, someone could make that (very presumptuous accusation), because with humanity and with community comes the understanding that we should all be in this together on some level. You get to sit at home in your AC, on your couch, and not have to worry about a neighbor who can’t afford to heal themselves if


Fuck you

I’m pretty sure Europe has someone to say about your belief that a single payer system is not cost effective.

The free market works.

The free market works if the point is to leave a bunch of people in the street to die. Insurance companies don’t want to insure unhealthy people, thus the pre-existing condition exclusions. In a completely free market, only the truly healthy would get insurance and, the moment they got sick with something like cancer

A lot of flawed logic in here.

When was the last time McCain stood for anything? He has said some reasonable stuff against the Republican agenda since Trump was elected, but then he just goes and votes for it anyway. He’s all talk. It’s sad because he talks like the only reasonable Republican with half a brain left, but he never actually opposes

In an email to me this morning, my mom wrote “You know, I felt bad for McCain last week, but to leave his sick bed in order to take away other people’s health insurance? FUCK HIM.”