The Real Unsharer

We need to call this what it is: intentionally sabatoging the health insurance of potentially millions of Americans because the GOP is still committed to hating Obama at any cost. He is not “letting” anything fail. The GOP already orchestrated the lack of choice/high premiums debacle by passing an amendment to the ACA

In what broken world is inflammation of the chest wall, words the doctor actually used, with an unknown cause in an otherwise healthy teenager something that you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about? Oh, wait, I know. That poor family.

100% true-personal anecdote from a former abortion provider in Montana. See my comment above the rest of the story. I know you will be absolutely shocked to hear that the doctor was not interested in helping so much as condemning slutty women and their abortion loving ways. 😡

The part that pisses me off to no end is that they are blaming Democrats for the ACA having troubles when REPUBLICANS (more specifically, Marco fucking Rubio) are the ones who kneecapped the legislation in the first place.

Failture to comply with the same regulations regarding ADA compliant services that taxis do has literally been the complaint since day one with these unregulated “sharing” economy businesses. This is one of the main reasons why Uber as a model is unfairly competitive.

The answers you seek to your other question can be

Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”

Yes. A friend of my dad was a very devout constant bible-reader (as in, his battered highlighted copy of the bible was always to hand and the only time he wasn’t talking about god was when he was talking about songwriting), and as he pointed out many times over, there is a list of things The Lord hates, and lying is

I saw this on the internet, so take it’s anecdote as a story...

But one that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

Pretty sure bearing false witness (aka lying to patients) is not something Jesus would be pleased with, so...

Hypocrites don’t give a shit if they are following their religion or not. It’s tool to further their own selfish agenda. Hence why the majority of Republicans are willing to take health care away from the poor and needy when the Bible states multiple times to help the poor and not be greedy.

I’ve had “Christians” point out that lying in the service of the Lord isn’t a sin. See also: Murdering people at women’s reproductive clinics isn’t murder, it’s saving innocent children.

Ah, but if you’re lying for biblical reasons, then it’s ok.

They believe it is true, and that’s what matters.

These people honestly believe they are stopping murder.

You know, if these zealots actually gave a shit about these babies AFTER they were born, it would sure make a lot more sense.

God forbid they spend one minute participating in an activity that doesn’t specifically revolve around feeding them sexually, emotionally, or spiritually!!!

Having just been flipped off while on my bike by somebody who pulled out in front of me, I’m going to agree with you there.

Also a resident of IL, can also confirm the way too high ranking.
