
I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

They’re probably using the ODBII port and diagnostic/troubleshooting software, possibly pirated from a service department. This almost certainly has absolutely nothing to do with the UConnect vulnerability you mentioned. I understand that how the video is cut makes it look like they’re exploiting the infotainment

10th Ann. Update is a service pack, so yeah it ought to be free. But Microsoft is literally the last company on Earth that still charges money for their OS. Which is because their business model demands it. But it’s business model they created in the late 70s, and a few things have changed since then I think. Three

His overall point being that electric cars aren’t pulling a sustainable profit. All the electric cars you’ve mentioned are loss leaders with heavy subsidies. All the manufacturers are developing electric cars because it’s the most cost effective way to improve their figures. If they happen to sell well, that’s just

I think they forgot something.

Make sure that you carry a smile, a few words of the local language, and the name & address of your hotel written in local script. Don’t take offence at anything you find strange. Ask questions.

Or go to the culture-shock destinations with someone native to those destinations - that’s essentially what I did and the “unusual” Asian locations were simply fun (and a gastronomic delight - loved that street-vendor grilled chicken butt with hot spice (“gee peecoo, ladah” as a very poor transcription).

So basically, how to be an ass.

You know what? Screw it, I love it. The world needs cars designed less by silly notions like aerodynamics and crash safety standards, and more moxy and because-I-can attitude. Also, it’s called a crunk. That adds at least a few jalop points in my book.

Isn’t that just a process to get DO-178C level A certification? Every mission critical avionics software follow that process.

Please let us know what company you work for, so we can short it.

The exact argument I made when that U2 album was forced on us a while back. People were pissed off at those that were complaining, saying, “how can you complain, it was free, just shut up”.

First generation CR-X > all other CR-X’s.

I wonder how much Amazon’s VOD has improved over the last two years. I mean, do I really need Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and Amazon Prime?

Do you plan on doing a comparison, Patrick? If not, I will. Someone should. :)

Alternate title: “Facebook fixes glaring privacy flaw in messenger app after being ridiculed across the internet for such a ridiculous oversight”.

“At the same time, she remains perplexed why the trucks were seized in such an aggressive fashion and with such shaky evidence to begin with.”

Cyclists? PedalPubbers? I’ll settle this right now.....fuck them both. Both are annoying as hell in the city. PedalPubs are slow as hell and unnecessarily gum up traffic....cyclists also get in the way, and rarely have any regard for traffic laws or other people (be they pedestrians or drivers). Cyclists seem to think

The only problem with them, is somehow they’re allowed to use public roads, main arterials even, going 5 MPH.

I did theater club in high school (lighting/crew) and if I learned one valuable skill it was how to coil cable. And once you know how to do it properly, every time you see it done incorrectly it will make you irrationally angry (at least in my experience). Seriously, it’s actually easier to do it correctly and if you

Many routers will let you set the DNS servers via their control panel. The advantage of this is that it sets the default DNS servers for every computer in your household. On Netgear routers I've used since 2006 I've always found this option under 'Basic Settings'. I've taken a screenshot of mine in case anybody