
Rockstar knows how to make a game trailer.

I’m in shock and awe over this!

I’m a sucker for a redhead.

Can someone put the sad Luke next to slave Leia but she has Paula Deen’s head instead?

How about last gen? They screwed the pooch on PS3 too.

Syphon Filter reboot?

Syphon Filter reboot?

Very disappointed with this direct



Makes me wonder how the hell Microsoft is able to pull it off with 360 on the X1.

I think I’ll file this under M for “meh".

I’m pretty sure Nintendo will make NX backwards compatible since they’ve done that previously.

I am with you dude and this is why I have yet to purchase a new console. At least Nintendo allowed you to upgrade some of the virtual console games purchased on the Wii to the Wii U for around 2 bucks or so and then charged you full price if you never purchased it (around 10 to 15... I think). Honestly, it is pretty

What’s with Kojima’s face in that photo?

Dude! I’m so sorry. I hope they catch the ducks who did it.

I purchased Farcry 4 for 20 at Amazon, and purchased ryse: son of Rome, ori and the blind forest, elite dangerous, zombie trilogy and transformers devastation each costing either 10 to 18 for Steam.

I just purchased that game a couple of weeks ago but have yet to play it. Is it as good as the dreamcast version?

I’ve played it and I disagree with this reviewer’s recommendation. $60 for a shallow game plus another $50 for the rest? No thanks. If and when they decide to do a goty edition, I might buy it but by then, I fear it will go the way of Titan Fall.

You understand that this is for a guy with use in one hand only, right? I doubt he cares if a mouse and keyboard is better as long as he gets to play.