

Right now I’m trying to finish Mad Max, Alien Isolation and Outlast on PC and The Evil Within on PS3 all while trying to fit in time for Rocket League, college, work and I’m getting married on November 23rd. I’ve got too much to do and too much to play to care about what I do it on.

Is there a mod that makes the alien invisible?

So what is the problem with just purchasing an external hard drive?

Mike, can you make a video that shows all of your skylanders collection?

I’d like Activision to release these games as game of the year editions so I don’t have to buy all the toys. The toys are what keep me from trying this out.

I recently purchased copies of this, deadly creatures and xenoblade chronicles since I figured they’ll never come to the eshop.

I had planned on getting married this November but I guess we’ll have to postpone.

Real life oompa-loompa

Real life oompa-lompa?

I was playing this when it came out but then summer came and my gaming PC just makes my room so freaking hot that I can only play this at night and in short bursts. :(

Holy hell! Now I can get rid of my Xbox original version!

Sports games need to follow suit.

The timeline is hard to follow because of the sliding graphic and how the advertisement is to it. Can you repost the article without the graphic? I’m ok with a regular timeline.

I agree with you and people should understand that some developers use DLC as a way to pay their own bills and stay in business. The fact that I can buy my game for $60 and then have the choice to purchase an add-on is ok with me as long as the price for the base game is fair.

That’s what I’d like to know. I live with my girlfriend so I need to spend time with her and when I get home from work, after working out, making dinner and taking care of any errands, I have maybe 30 minutes to game. I have some vacation coming up so I can splurge then but I haven’t gamed that hard since I was a kid.

I played the first one and honestly didn’t think it was that great so I’m not upset over this

These characters are boring

I felt that way once but having Marvel Unlimited makes it pretty easy to catch up. I’m all caught up with Hickmans Avengers run so it gives me a month till a new issue hits to read other books.

This is such a huge fiasco. I wonder what will mess up next?