
It’s a real shame, but also funny to see how far we’ve come in recent years from feeling like DLC was sort of corner cutting to something we expect and want from games that require such a long and deep investment.

Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they

I’m sorry but this is just really makes me laugh a lot, I mean the hacker ain’t that wrong NMS was a mistake in so much as it was a mistake to release it such a rushed/broken state that didn’t in any way try to at least fulfill on the promises that um I mean Murray proclaimed would be in the game.

Hardy har. Ya got me!

Ron Weasely was just over at my house and he said you need to stop whining about posts that no one made you click on.

Of course they are no different than any other corporations, they are one themselves. It’s the kind of weird idolization culture that led people to believe that Valve is truly a “kind” entity. If they are, they would be named “Valve Charity” instead. They aren’t.

First off, I’m sort of on Valve’s side here: they are providing a legitimate service for their users, and they shouldn’t be penalized for that. And it’s hard to see how we can or should blame them for actions taken outside of their control by other parties.

I hate to see my favorite series of all time get hit with this. However, Valve is wholly responsible for this mess. Valve has been playing dumb, naive, and flat-out ignorant over the past few years while their money making creation exploded. They will act innocent and play to fans of their service, but the truth is

Here, here!

I’ll be deep in the cold, cold earth before I recognize Missoura!

Stephen, well said!

Though I can find the source, I recall Garth Ennis being quoted as saying he’d cast Weaver as Ma Gnucci. Not too far a stretch to revamp her into a crime boss commanding Inhuman goons.

DD S2 could have been much better with one simple change: make The Hand responsible for Frank’s family’s death. That would have tied everything together. Instead, The Hand never seemed scary or powerful enough and we got that convoluted story about Frank’s old commander that I still don’t really understand.

That is... exactly the opposite of what happened here.

More likely: It’s to gain goodwill so PC players pick up Injustice 2.

Even before he destroyed his friend’s bike, you could tell he’s an asshole.

He got all huffy.

That’s an easy fix. Just remove the sun from the game.

1. Take your time planning moves. Look at enemy move ranges, and look at their weapons before moving your own units. Keep in mind the weapon triangle and keep fliers away from archers.

This weekend I’m playing Fire Emblem Awakening, that is if I don’t throw my 3ds into a wall and smash it. I’m liking the game but it’s super difficult even on casual settings. It’s the first tactical rpgs I’ve ever played so it’s a big learning experience. Any tips would be appreciated.