
My son is 8 and high functioning on the spectrum. But he already has a strong streak of defiance that I am so very very very afraid will one day end badly.

Terrier Improved Malamute, you say?

Wait, wait, wait. I’m not following the math. If you can’t find $16, how are you paying the prostitute?

Oh God that is funny. Who said that penguins don’t have expert comedic timing.

I saw GotG2 last night here in Brooklyn at the new Alamo Drafthouse. They’re pretty hardcore about the no texting/talking thing as well. Must be a Texas thing. Seriously guys, what up?

Texas. It figures. Why the fuck are you guys so lawsuit-happy?

10 to 1 that this shit is already monitoring employees in Amazon’s warehouses. Fascist bastards.

But but but... he’s a GOOD COP! Look, he’s wearing a body cam...

I would love to have some advice on this too as well!

“But... but... anybody who hates must be mentally ill! Just give him some meds and he will be just fine.”

Well now if he were waving that thing “aggressively” (as the cops no doubt would have said in their police report) then there would have been a different ending to this story.

Ok that was definitely TL;DR — I stopped after the stuff about the pancakes.

When I had minor surgery last year, I had a patients’ rights advocate before and after the surgery. I wonder if she was offered one as well.

I’m not a lawyer but I don’t think she was a party to the conversation. She was spoken about but not spoken to. That being said, if she decided to sue, it would be incredibly foolish for the hospital to counter-sue. The PR damage has already been done; they would make it worse with fighting her in court.

God DAMN, he has not aged well. How is this man still alive after all the drugs, cigarettes and alcohol he’s consumed over the last 60+ years?

Be careful how far you go back to find “ancient intelligent life”. You might find these guys.

“... lining the head ...”

LOOK hoW FLat the HoRIZon is!!1!

LOOK hoW FLat the HoRIZon is!!1!

I actually welcome these types of appointments. Yes it is sickening and yet another example of putting blind loyalty ahead of rationality, but we must persevere. We absolutely must. We must push back, keep the heat on, counter every thing that these know-nothings spew. I am not anti-Republican nor anti-conservative.