
I’M SORRY. Some nouveau-riche billionaires will no doubt buy a Maserati, a yacht, an airplane or even all of the above. But not me. I sure as hell am dropping my bag of gold pieces down for this. WOW.

If it’s any help, I thought the same thing. I’m not a doctor and I don’t how much she lost (or how fast she did it) but it might have been a contributing factor (plus the alcohol and drugs she did in the past as well).

No Pat No

What?! Conservative snowflakes and CHINOs (Christians In Name Only) are lamenting that the orange fuck they elected is going to disrupt their precious lives? Let them all fucking die. Absolutely right — they need to reap and weep what they have sowed.

#ShutItDown #COTD

While he was lifted off the ground, he realized he ain’t got wings, and coming down was going to be the hardest thing.

I had never heard this name before, so naturally I googled it. Holy.... I mean Jesus.... wow, I would watch those lips read that phone book in sloooow motion.

I haven’t seen Hamilton (yet) and not sure if or when I will have that chance (and I also live in NYC). I wonder if it is worth picking up the soundtrack in case I never do see it?

Never saw the first incarnation back in the 2000's but my 8 year old son suddenly discovered “Teen Titans GO!” on Cartoon Network and now we both enjoy watching it. I find it funny as hell.

At the 0:07 mark in the video, who falls down behind the center support pole? Is that the Broncos mascot? Oh fucking god that’s too funny...

You realize that now that you posted this article, Peter Thiel is going to sue you.

Do you know what else made it into the Toy Hall of Fame this year?!

Is that swing part of a playset? I’d love to go on a seesaw with her.

Not young. Not naive. Not my president.

How fucking small is that shit? Squeeze any harder and he would pinch the fucking thing off.

I wonder if this can work with location awareness? That is, automatically turn off when outside specifically chosen networks (home, work, favorite cafe, etc) in order to save battery life and automatically reconnect when the hotspot is in range.

That’s why they call it “security theater”. Maybe with some interpretative dance and performance art thrown in for good measure.

That’s why they call it “security theater”. Maybe with some interpretative dance and performance art thrown in for


My 8 year old boy would probably ask for either AC/DC “T.N.T” or Gru’s theme from “Despicable Me”. Yeah, he’d definitely be all over that.