
Him and Trump would be tossed out characters from a first draft for being too unsubtle.

I’m not so sure he surpasses Trump in that department...

I’ve always felt like Elon Musk was a poorly-written Bond villain. A tech billionaire, raised in apartheid South Africa, family money from emerald mining (in Zambia), bullied in an all-boys school, etc... He’s the whiny little bitch who now has money and thinks that it makes him important. 

Brazilian here, and I think it’s importante to clarify some things...

Yea I wonder about that. I can’t imagine Taylor Swift’s fans throwing anything at her, but who knows? Cynical me would just assume outside water bottles aren’t allowed because they want you only paying for theirs (which are likely overpriced). 

Never has there been a man so clearly in need of his father to hug him and tell him he’s proud of him.   I can’t imagine being that rich and still having such a fragile ego 

“I’m gonna take that smirking pustule who runs that electric car company for all he’s worth!” -- Elon, snorting his daily mound of K.

Musk is that kid who picks a fight at school with a sucker punch, and then as the table turns, and the other kid gets the upper hand, he immediately starts crying and runs to tell a teacher.

Elon’s empty threat was so moronic that it drove Ken “Popehat” White back on the site:

Do it you little bitch.  Not all the money in the world will change the fact your from a slave state, your dad doesn't love you, you barely invented anything, and you openly praised a neo nazi who blamed the Jews for all the worlds problems in the middle of a war with Palestine and Israel.  

This is when you lie low and hope it all blows over, not when you bluster and draw attention to your bigotry. You don’t want giant posters of megacorp ads next to Nazi propaganda shown in court and on the evening news. The recent attempt by some board members to remove him over these statements would probably be

He should cut to the chase and sue himself.

So he’s suing over the reporting of things he said and public?

his last girlfriend said they never had sex. Any bragging from Mr Limp about all the sex he’s having is probably untrue.

At this point, Kanye West feels more like a parody of himself than his South Park character.

Verily the geniusist wordsmith of our time.

Oh, that’s definitely Rowling.
Elon’s days were always numbered until the truth came out about how little he actually contributed to the things that made him famous in the first place. Jo actually did the thing that made her famous, so she’d still be sittin’ pretty if she hadn’t made the choice to lean hard into

I look forward to the day Elon Musk and JK Rowling announce the winner of their “Who can squander their public adoration most thoroughly?” competition.

It grew three sizes that day...