
I feel so bad for him. On one of the pictures he put up on Twitter, he responded to someone’s condolences just saying “I’m suffering” and it was such a stark and bare phrase, so devoid of any kind of linguistic flourish or phrasing that it absolutely broke my heart. Dana Carvey is suffering and it makes me very sad.

What a mean spirited headline and article that is just about an actor talking about something he likes. 

Yep because any Star Wars that’s not Andor is trash and, you know, superhero fatigue and everything. /s obviously

I like how this article takes the genuine passion and enthusiasm of a darling actor and twists it all into disdain and dismissal of Star Wars. Good job. Keep being snarky assholes.

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a show where everyone involved seemed to be having so much fun.

This show ruled; I never understood why it didn’t get the buzz other period costume dramas get, when it’s so funny and well-plotted on top of all the typical pleasures of the genre. (Well, if you’re not super-duper into historical accuracy, anyway.)

Honestly they’ll just replace him with another gay interior designer but what they should do is either drop the role or change it. The problem with Bobby’s role has always been that the rest of the goals are actionable for most folks. You could see something of yourself in the episode subject and come away with ideas

The show found a pretty lovely way to end. It could have found material for a fourth season, but the death of Hoult’s characters definitely gave the third a good sense of finality.

I will miss this show. Fanning was outstanding, as was Hoult.

“No one wants to work anymore!”

it’s genuinely embarrassing that Rolling Stone gave these weirdos an article at all. They saw the “Catch me outside, how bow dat” girl make an insane amount of money off of perverts and thought they could probably do the same. 

Yeah I’m starting to notice a trend of people I’ve never heard of and don’t recognize turning down movie jobs they haven’t been offered. 

They dropped an Acme-brand anvil on Zaslav’s head, to be clear.

I definitely don’t think that the ‘women don’t judge men’s bodies’ thing is true in any way. 


There’s a moment in the trailer where Garfield says “I’ve never jumped” in a very monotone, dead inflection, and boy if that didn’t reinforce my initial desire for him to be voiced by Nick Offerman.

Fellow Parks and Rec alum Nick Offerman would’ve been the best Garfield imaginable.

Lorenzo Music is just impossible to duplicate, but I agree; Pratt doesn’t sound wrong enough to be total miscasting.