
This was such a bizarre reach. I bet he didn’t know fuckall about any embassy in London and had to ask his Cabinet to Google it. Surprise, it wasn’t Barry’s administration to sell, either. It was Dubya’s.

That’s my weird Appalachian relatives right there.

No quarantine? Damn. I hate how one person’s narcissism can ruin everyone else’s time. I have an ex who is terrified by dogs. He was mauled when he was three and it left him with partial blindness in one eye. So no, your fluffikins is not welcome everywhere.

I wish I had taken a picture of the card, but after LOTS of hunting, this looks most similar. It’s from Amazon, so it’s totally legit! You’re owners don’t want to cause a scene.

Yes, real service dogs can be life savers and go through rigorous training. I was pretty appalled when I attempted to find the owner of the ID card.

The cards had an American flag AND eagle motif. They were for service dogs. I was trying to be nice and Googled to see if the ID card was legitimate. There are pages and pages of fake vests, fake cards, and whatever else “documentation” you need for service dogs or support dogs. The US needs to crack the fuck down on

I was at a resort last week and it is pet-free. On one day, I saw FIVE of what I’d call “yappers” or “purse dogs” without vests or anything. One tried to bite me. They all growled and snarled.

My dad has PSLs/season tickets so I’ve been going since the team was founded. This year my heart wasn’t in it, because I sit in a very white section. There were so many awful comments about the protests and the flag. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to attend this season.

I have recently admired a football player and started following him on Instagram. I was so disappointed to see that his wife is white and has the Kardashian treatment. Girl, that is not your butt. You look ridiculous.

I have so many friends who are worried about their eyebrows. I tried to fill mine in and looked like a cartoon character. There’s a whole Brow Bar in Ulta. It’s not that serious.

Whenever someone dismisses a tweet as an “aide tweet” I look at it and can say nah, look at that weird capitalization. Tax Cut Bill? HealthCare? Stock Market?

I can’t believe I Googled this in depth, but Rump had a really high opinion of Harry’s mom, Princess Di. She was “crazy” but he could have had her. He’d make her take an HIV test first. This was months after she died.

I’ve noticed this at Panera specifically. You’re in a line eight deep. “Gosh, what IS the soup of the day?” Says it right there! No one gets between me and my carbs.

We didn’t get PTO at my last job but a lady got permission to work from home because she had just bought a puppy.

Sorry to be so reactionary. I’m very proud that my southern religious family aren’t morons. Everybody has that *one* family member or friend...

45 is the laziest slob ever. Remember when he had his inauguration on a Friday and told everyone he’d get hard to work on Monday? *record scratch* We knew right then he’d definitely be taking weekends off.

Thank you. I get my leftist tendencies from my dad’s side. My aunt told me she will go straight ticket Dem until she dies.

Does she have the means to leave the US? I happen to be getting out of the states for the new year. Coming back is...questionable. I’ll hide her in my luggage.

Only one of my relatives. One. He doesn’t want the poor to have upward mobility or nice things.

Duh, the American people. He benevolently doesn’t charge anyone in the entourage to stay or monitor the clubs. Nevermind the Secret Service is going broke and was charged $60,000 for golf cart rentals as of August. One trip to Mar-a-Lago costs 3.6 million each, but hey trickle down something something. Logic has no