I have a genetic condition of the shakes + pseudo Parkinson’s, and sometimes I have to grab a bottle or glass by both hands.
I have a genetic condition of the shakes + pseudo Parkinson’s, and sometimes I have to grab a bottle or glass by both hands.
It’s already a controversial musical to the Evangelicals because of Mary Magdalene. Heads will explode.
My family went to Disney in 2013 and robot Obama received a standing ovation even before he “spoke.” It was lovely.
I find this account amusing.
Right before his rookie year, a friend was on the elevator in an apartment building uptown. It opened, and Cam was waiting. Apparently and unfortunately, said friend got a demented look of glee on his face. Cam said, “I’ll take the next one.” My friend is 6'6 but was awed at a short distance.
You’re supposed to LEAD with #thoughtsandprayers, Drumpf.
Well it certainly appeals to her base if by “base” I mean the one blonde, overfried idiot always linking to her videos on Facebook.
He’ll also falsely say he was invited but chose to hold a rally in Oklahoma instead.
My former co-worker decided it was “ask a black person” at work once and her question/statement was “My boyfriend says the Civil War was about states’ rights and not slavery.” After my other co-worker just heavily sighed and rolled her eyes, I said “People owned other people. Do you think that’s okay?” Nope, it’s…
I legit blame her for that. I don’t know if it’s tinfoil level, but she killed that beautiful man somehow.
I have a former coworker who almost tore her marriage apart because her wife was voting for Hillary and said coworker insisted on voting for Stein. There’s nothing like a Jill Stein voter doubling down.
It might seem silly, but I wish they could have a “do-over” so the town’s own fucking mayor and Representative Lewis could attend.
Recognizing it can be tough. I could never at all. You’re already off to a great start!
I went from 115 lb.to 180 in less than six months. That was at the start of the mood stabilizing journey.
I rejected a diagnosis in my 20s and at the time it made sense to me. In the long run it wasn’t so good.
I did see some way cuter options while Googling that image. Add it to the article! The weeklies would not be convenient to hold my PRN “holy fuck I’m dying” anxiety pill.
Please do! No one is on my level and I refuse to use this.
This is so relatable and just what I needed today! People can take their essential oils and GTFO.