This is all I could think of.
This is all I could think of.
I attended a Moral Monday in 2013 and his speech moved me to tears.
I wondered about this because I don’t share anything publicly and rarely comment on pages. I’m tempted to post “Men are trash, trashidy trash” etc. and see what happens.
It’s not Jez. It’s The Root’s article. That’s probably why you’re having trouble with your feelings.
The bar is so low even I can hop over it.
No incest! I’m okay with this.
I just watched the Olaf short since every outlet was posting about it today. I like Frozen. I like Olaf. But damn, that was boring and just...bad.
No one can predict Game of Thrones anymore so I’ve received my comeuppance.
Right? I had to Google image what the dude looks like (all white Republicans look alike) and he has real hair. His skin is whatever but still better than Trump’s orange clown face.
How “pro life” of them...
The whole article is batshit insane. I have no fucking clue how anyone could endure even one damn flight with Trump. This is what Corey idolizes? I wish Trump would have completed his thoughts on hair and skin.
I’ve read the books (and try not to be annoying) but I always snort when people declare their theories as 100%.
Imagine living to 90+ and doing this service for a country that disparages you. Your reward? Meeting Trump.
Good GOD at these salty comments. The parade sucks. You spend most of your time watching the boring anchors.
The word “imagination” is used twice in three sentences imagination.
I can’t bear to watch it, but Racist Grandpa said, “I feel so good about myself doing this,” Trump said as he stroked the turkey.” Creepy and self congratulatory as usual.
Yes...I read somewhere they’d be completely out of budget by (last) September. I know how that’s not how this works, but make him pay for his own security detail.
Word is 45 tried to squeeze in 18 holes of golf today.
I’ll post it again, because this man is such a lazy, idiotic slob it’s unreal. I miss dignity in the White House.