AND when he pronounced them as married, he called them “Mr. and Mrs. Hisfirstname Hislastname” even though they had a lengthy discussion at the rehearsal where she had explicitly told them she did not want that.
AND when he pronounced them as married, he called them “Mr. and Mrs. Hisfirstname Hislastname” even though they had a lengthy discussion at the rehearsal where she had explicitly told them she did not want that.
So the system was rigged enough to keep Trump from winning the popular vote, but not rigged enough to keep him out of the Oval Office. Whoever did the rigging is remarkably bad at their job.
Yeah let’s go back to the early Industrial Revolution era before there were any regulations. See how well that works for the people who voted for this idiot.
We don’t need regulations. The market will punish companies that make dangerous products. After a few people die from food produced in unsanitary factories, we’ll know not to buy from those companies. Things will just work themselves out.
I don’t understand the desire to bring back coal mining jobs. It’s literally sickening, dirty, back breaking work. Why do people want to hold on to a ‘way of life’ that sent their fathers and grandfather to an early grave? Should we bring back whaling too? Plenty of unemployed people in SE Mass.
I am boycotting his speaking. I didn’t watch the victory speech. Didn’t watch 60 minutes. I didn’t watch this video. I won’t watch any speeches of his, because I know they are all bullshit. He means none of what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about and watching his crap will do nothing but ruin my day.
I’m starting to get sick of the nice guy Obama bs. He wasted most of his first year trying to kumbaya with the right and now he’s being nice again. Just stop! No one who hates you is changing their minds. You know this IS the apocalypse. He needs to be trying to fuck this guy up during the next 2 months. Get a special…
Well, regulations are automatically bad, so if we take away two for every one made, we take away lots of bad...stuff, which means things will get bigly better. Really a lot bigly. Because regulations are all bad.
Leave us alone. We’re too busy self-harming ourselves to see what we’re doing to the world.
I can’t bear to hear (and/or see) him speak anymore. I turned off the TV mid-victory speech and that’s it. That voice burns holes in my heart and soul.
Congratulations, America... As if it was not enough screwing over yourselves, you gave other countries ideas, and made THIS bullshit an actual thing here in Brazil...
The fuck is he on about? ”For every one new regulation, two old regulations will be eliminated (so important).” What kind of clown science is this? He really has NO IDEA what he’s doing, does he?
While true, it’s not really Trump and his policies that really scare me, it’s the hate crimes and violence that he’s inspired. It’s as if he radicalized the far right, assuming a lot of them weren’t already hateful extremists. We have to fear Trump’s fascist decisions and we have to fear our fellow citizens. Many of…
Because misogyny.
Pretty sure they harassed and coerced victims into giving high ratings after they’d been hosed.
Interesting how his phoney baloney University has a much higher approvals rating than he does as President-Elect.
I was hoping it would go trial so that he would lie under oath (he really can’t help it) then he would be in impeachment territory.
I hope Beyoncé calls him and tells him to shut up.
Hey now. Frank Sinatra had his flaws, but I wouldn’t call him a human cesspool of a man!