Bitter Old Crone

Aww thanks! Thanks again for letting me share. :)

Yes, absolutely! I’m a mixed woman (1/4 Tsalagi, 1/8 Muscogee, Irish, and Scottish) who had direct ancestors who walked the Trail of Tears all the way to Gods forsaken Oklahoma (yep, they’re on the Dawes Rolls for further confirmation!), so I knew the dark side of this country. I’m also disabled, pagan, and stuck

Thank you saying this! I’m in my 20's and already on disability due to a very rare genetic condition and a few other health issues. The medicine for my genetic condition is $25,000 a dose (that I get weekly) and there’s no cure or alternative. Basically, I’ll have to do this for the rest of my life. When people say

Ooh! I came up with a terrific, *mostly* safe, alternative to a hospital birth that’ll save people thousands of dollars! Crunchy mamas will love it, too!

 My extended family are prosperity gospel believers. When I was sexually abused at age eight it really shook my grandparents’ faith since apparently “those things only happen to bad people”. They’ve been equally shitty about my health issues. Isn’t that just special?

Oooh, I did! I did!

I’m so upset about this shit show of an election. Our country elected a gilded piece of racist, sexist, Muslim-hating garbage. I live in a deep red state so I can’t escape the assholes who voted for him.