Bitter Old Crone

Anti-choicers will find a way to make it illegal to leave the state to get an abortion.

And if states are allowed to ban abortions, I think a lot of women will find that not only does their state ban the procedure, so do all of the adjoining states.

I know a woman like that. She and I both got “knocked up” at 18. I have always been pro-choice, she was rabidly anti-choice. I chose to give my son up for adoption, she choose to terminate. Decades later she has maintained and actively promotes anti-choice rhetoric. Her thoughts are that her termination was

Yep. If you’re a billionaire (or whatever Donald is), going to another state for an abortion is trivial. For many people, it’s an insurmountable obstacle.

Oh, Trump at least is planning on it. I’m sure he knows all about “going to other states,” as he discussed on 60 Minutes. Colorado is one of those states. NY, CA, MA...

You can bet your ass if the wife or daughter of any of these fuckwads investigating Dr. Hern needed an abortion, late term or otherwise, they’d have nine million excuses why it was okay for them, just not the rest of us.

Oh. Too fucking bad, they were not married and he signed a contract.

It’s really not, for a couple of reasons.

Controlling and abusive narcissist asshole. He has money oozing out of his pores to provide for a willing egg donor in addition to a surrogate so it’s not about having a child, it’s about hurting and exerting force over a woman who rejected him and moved on. Only other controlling abusive narcissistic assholes would

Thankfully, the Supreme Court has addressed this specifically - Planned Parenthood v. Danforth held that spousal consent was unconstitutional because such a veto power would violate Roe. Similarly, PP v. Casey held that spousal notification laws were unconstitutional.

If the law is iffy, that’s a completely different story. As for the existing child angle, depends on when you consider life to begin so I could see him arguing that. Her involvement is no longer needed.

If the embryos result in a child, she might have legal responsibilities to it whether she wanted it or not. (The law on reproductive technology and custody is all over the place, so it depends on the state/judge.) But also, it’s different from a case where a woman is already pregnant. Here, there is no pregnancy, and

I can definitely see abortion restrictions based on the man’s rights to the fetus. Up next in 2017?

I don’t get that line. It doesn’t mean he can’t have kids, just that he can’t have kids with those women.

I think he’s claming he’s been “denied” children by all these mean old harpies.

Still, Loeb made the baffling case in a New York Times op-ed last spring that he’s been unable to have kids because two of his ex-girlfriends had abortions.

Somewhere there is a MRA pleading exactly that.

Is this entitlement? it feels like entitlement . Fuck this guy. I hope...yet again... she wins. YET AGAIN .

What is there going to be an “involuntarily childless” movement that preaches men’s right to procreate despite no women wanting to procreate with them?