Bitter Old Crone

Truthfully, no. I think you underestimate how much they love their Jesus. My in laws are from Michigan as is my husband(we live in CA now husband not in laws), their county went blue for Obama and red this election.

Yes, I for one, seriously fucking doubt that white men in the rust belt had any intention of voting for a Jewish Socialist.

I was reading the signs of fascism and we’re basically already there! The anti-intellectualism stuck out to me.

You go, girl! This thing where we’re supposed to meekly accept the Electoral College election of a racist, fraudulent demagogue is WAY out of line. He didn’t even win the popular vote and he lied through his teeth and used voter suppression and dirty tricks to get elected.

“Call them what they are Pro-Birthers.”

Ugh. I know. My super republican mother and her husband think they are soooooo socially liberal because they support first term abortion, but think anything past that is barbaric. When I told her the scans revealing serious fetal abnormalities tend to occur at 20 weeks, and that if there was no access to abortion for

Just to put the icing on the shit cake, I can see someone trying it using some MRA dude who was just so traumatized by his woman getting an abortion.

Here’s the thing. A case will have to be brought based on standing, which is going to be hard to do anyway - you have to be personally affected by a law to challenge it (in other words, for instance, Hobby Lobby can’t just go in there and be like, ABORTION PERSONALLY AFFECTS US, because it doesn’t - maybe not

Third, if you don’t believe that in the fallout of a hypothetical overturn of Roe v Wade in the SCOTUS a GOP Congress wouldn’t piss its pants with joy to then use the interstate commerce clause to pass a law against crossing state lines for an abortion, then you’re just not paying attention to the GOP’s war against

One of the smartest people I know asked me this: if they get rid of abortion, what will they have to campaign on? The protests and the pictures of dead babies make them money. She was obviously trying to soothe my jangled nerves, but she has a point.

Making donations in someone’s name costs them money and time. Do not waste Planned Parenthood’s time for revenge. Just donate money.

Apart from all the other things wrong with it, this shows how little Trump thinks about his alleged beliefs. (I don’t think he actually cares about abortion, beyond knowing he has to say he opposes it to run as a republican. For one thing, he’s mentioned asking Marla Maples if she wanted to “do something” about the

Honest to god there are a lot of scared people out there. The majority really. I’m one of them. This man literally is a word salad of what ever comes into his sick and decaying brain. Really our world is borked. This can’t wait four years, this can’t wait two years to midterms. But I just don’t know what to do.

Reminds me of this Santa toy we used to bring out every Christmas. It had a string in back you could pull to get Santa to say various phrases, like “ho ho ho” or “Merry Christmas.”

This man is dangerously ill-prepared and ill-suited for this job. Dangerously. And his vice president is dangerously and uniquely prepared to actively hurt us all. Dangerously.

All this is does it make it take longer for planned parenthood to process the donation

So, in other words, screw the poor.

Stahl: So they’ll have to go to other states, what does that mean?