
The strangest part is when I realize that I know ALL THE WORDS to some of these songs, but have not heard or thought about them in over a decade. Thanks for saving that stuff, brain! What else is in there?

I had the love at first sight feeling with my person. He did not feel the same way. lol. He had just started dating someone, but two and a half years later, we got together!

But, aren’t those butts filled with toxins? And aren’t the crows getting fat from all those nuggets?

I see that so much at concerts and sporting events, it’s incredibly annoying especially at a dark venue when you have to look past hundreds of blinding screens to see the performers that you paid to see.  I never thought I would be an old grouch in my mid thirties, but here we are.

It’s remarkably passive aggressive. Let’s release the baby names that we chose together-- now you cannot chose those baby names with any other mate. She’ll know and I’ll know and you’ll know that the name you loved was chosen with us first. 

Lena Dunham tried to pull of a weird power play here and failed. “Look! I’m so over you , I can tell the world our hopes and dreams without . . .” ***dissolves into body wracking sobs***

This is how the KKK was dismantled. A reporter infiltrated their organization and started publishing names, and the asshole members of the klan couldn’t face being outed publicly. None of the racist pieces of shit I met or unfortunately knew during my years in Florida had the balls to publicly display their master

They’ve gotten stupid and THINK they can walk around without their masks. Every one of them has had their picture taken and people are working feverishly to identify them and let their employers know.

This whole thing of turning the cops into The Terminator has got to stop. Of course they are gonna act with complete impunity. They are armored to the gills. Jeebus!

One good thing about displaying themselves in public is that many of them who are doxxed are losing their jobs, spouses, families, etc, because no one wants to associate with them anymore. There’s a very interesting piece on Slate about how outing the Neo-Nazis and throwing them off their mainstream platforms has

Well the mainstream media did most of the heavy lifting when it started calling them “alt-right” and writing a thousand toothless think-pieces about how normal and clean-cut they are.

It’s fine to say this doesn’t bother you. It is not fine to say that everyone this does bother is insecure and close minded.

You sound like a “Cool Girl”

You would be fine with your partner blasting to the whole world that he wants to fuck your sisters?

Kanye West is garbage. The Kardashians are also garbage. All these garbage people have more money than i’ll ever see in my lifetime, let alone most people’s lifetime. Meanwhile, i’m over here wondering if I’ll have enough money this week to be able to buy toilet paper or if I should just go to the local community

THIS IS INCREDIBLE, thank you for this dedicated profile of Tsubasa/Shion, the bar-none greatest Terrace House couple of all time (feat. Tsubasa, bar-none greatest Terrace House housemate of all time).

Or he’s doing it to angle for more retirement parties. Because more parties mean more cake. So I respect this.

Yup! And something like nudity in front of a camera crew *might* just be something a person would say, “I think I can do” and then find out later that they really weren’t OK, and it’s OK to change your mind!

What a perfect demonstration of the technocrat’s eager dehumanization of the person to shore up the integrity of business contracts, that most hallowed of entities.

It depends on the contract. Usually there is a special rider attached to contracts specifying what type of nudity is required. If memory serves Lost was not an overtly salacious show. She’s still a human being entitled to her rights. Don’t be gross and condescending.