
So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

The Cardi B/Offset drama is about as scripted as an episode of Real Housewives. Can we just ignore them for a bit? Please?

I honestly think this was a publicity stunt on both their parts but if not, Offset is a pos and I don’t even like Cardi but feel for her. Couldn’t get me to take a cheater back, ever. I dont care if he looks and sounds like Idris Elba with Trevor Noah’s personality and Oprah’s bank account, that kind of betrayal

So no one is entertaining the possibility that this is all for publicity and Cardi is in on it?

Whenever I see stuff like this, I’m baffled that not one person mentioned that it may be a bad idea when it was being developed. 

Funny, he’s probably one of those Good Samaritans who just does it for the sake of de-escalating violence, not for the footage and likes.

He is also a big hero in this, and the only one really trying to protect the girl getting kicked. To be fair, he was closer than the viral hero of this post. 

The less handsome guy standing next to the assaulted woman and blocking the racist wench gets no love or appreciation.

I’m fully convinced that the total asshole he played in Grand Torino is an accurate representation of the kind of person he is. I only watched that recently and have no idea why anyone liked it or how he was even remotely an anti-hero, let alone a good guy.

that story cements in my mind the image of just what a vindictive asshole he is

Imagine being the woman who sleeps with Kid Rock, Jack Osbourne and Dax Shepard.  Why would you even ADMIT it?

Notice how the ground shows a similar hue green shadows, seemingly coming off the street lights? Or how the outrigger on the excavator is also the same color. And also the light poles?

Plenty of married women prefer Ms.

Ms. works foe either. Like Mr.

Don’t you mean Ms. and Mr.?

A religious belief is not eating pork or not working on Saturday. This is treating people like shit and then blaming god when you get caught.

My father, who is 78 and a Bill Buckley-style Republican, gets his coffee at a shop with a trans man working the register. My dad manages to call this man by his (masculine) name or “Sir” every morning. He has said he, “doesn’t really get it” but then he shrugs because why would he care? What’s it to him or Vlaming

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

Or opaque enough that you can actually wear white without a million layers. Even with a nude bra and a t-shirt you can see my belly-button in most white shirts.