
I already know these things about several men in my family. Let’s just say I’ve not had faith in men for some time now due to people in my own family! Most men are so out of touch with the reality of women’s lives.

Me too! I’ve been here for years. Occasionally I have something of true substance to add, but mostly my comments are brief. I’m alright here. It is cool to get responses and stars though.

A great name for us. *Looks in the air and waves hand* The “Perma-Greys”. I like it!

Ugh, yes!! They removed the edge and made them look like different people. You can dress in that style and look professional or clean-cut. They should’ve worked with their style instead of trying to change it. I felt the same way about the hairstyles/cuts they did.

I had to explain a queef to an 80+ year old woman 😂

I don’t know what this video is, but I do know that I saw your name, saw the video still and assumed the dude was singing “where are my keys?” to the tune of What Do You Mean? 😂

Which is interesting because of the few times I’ve had it it has been bland as fuck! Thechips were occasionally too salty though.

He is and I thought he was kinda lame, maybe so, but he was so cute in that movie!

Haha, Asano’s being funny. People do blackface sometimes for Halloween as if we couldn’t tell who they’re trying to be without the brown makeup.

So you mean we can’t blame it on his senility?? Dang.

You just said that you find women who approach you in particular ways to be boring, creepy, and/or socially awkward. You also said that when a man does those same behaviors he would be considered boring, creepy, and/or socially awkward. I’m confused. It appears to me that boring, creepy, and/or socially awkward people

Haha oh dear! I wouldn’t feel comfortable either! You just don’t *know* for sure that people can’t see you. I think I would’ve tested it by waving at people. But what if they were pretending to not see you waving so they could see you poop?!?!

Bahahaha. I am sorry, but I cracked up the imagery of you changing in a corner. Why not use the bathroom to change?

Thank you, BoSephus for literally making me cringe with this big ass pic. Good lord.

Why subdue when you can just shoot? 😉

Not to mention the use of “stick thin” as a description of her body...

I don’t have a go-to place either. I look nice going to work and that’s it! I can’t find a store that makes decent, cute clothing that’s somewhere between casual and work clothing. That kind of clothing exists, but I can’t seem to find it. I just want a button down or a blouse that *doesn’t* look like work clothes.

Hah! Oh man, definitely worse than mine. I just got to pretend like it didn’t happen. Did your dad ground you or something?

I’m so glad I got to experience that scene! It was an amazing and unforgettable time for me. I had so much fun.

Really though, Seinfelds? I understand Kesha should’ve dropped the hug thing as soon as she realized it wasn’t going to happen, but is posing in front of a mural of an embarrassing moment necessary? I think not.