I just... It hurt to read “loosing”. I see it on a fairly regularly basis and it makes me cringe.
I just... It hurt to read “loosing”. I see it on a fairly regularly basis and it makes me cringe.
I had some good times crushing on that man! It was a lot of fun having celebrity crushes. I saved pics of him from magazines. I printed pics of him I found on the internet. I bought his art book! I loved him.
I thought his name was Fartenhold. From now he shall be called Fart’n’hold.
I didn’t appreciate the ban until I visited Philadelphia in 2007 or so and my friends and I went to eat at a pub. Well, everyone else ate. My food wasn’t what I was expecting so I didn’t want to touch it *and* the smoke was making me nauseous! I ended up leaving and waiting outside until my friends were finished…
As a multiracial person, I didn’t feel attacked by this article at all. I understand OP’s point regarding certain views on interracial relationships, but it doesn’t seem to apply here IMO.
I can’t say I’m surprised at all. One of the first excuses she used was, “I meant it as a private message.” Trash!
I hope she got help!
My brother once had an “episode”. I really badly wanted to call the cops on him after years of dealing with his shit, but I decided I would rather ride it out than risk the police shooting him dead. Says a lot about a society when people have to make choices like that.
It was kinda awful. I watched one episode and I couldn’t stomach it anymore.
I can’t believe people still think it’s real.
My mother used to be called “the black one” or just straight up referred to as a n***** by her own uncle. Said uncle was from the white side (2nd gen Portuguese Guyanese) of the family. And my mom happened to be the darkest of her siblings. Needless to say, she’s still suffering with some hang ups as a result. It…
I’m glad you found something that works! Maybe I can use that for my other parts for which I still use soap.
That started happening to me out of nowhere!! So now I’m afraid to use soap. And I’ve also come to realize that I don’t need it.
I didn’t even know that was Horowitz! I thought it was some Oscars official who came out on the stage to clean up the mess.
/s is needed, I think. Haha
I don’t follow Canadian news, but I’m pretty sure that story was covered by Gawker. I just brought it up to someone the other day. I will never ever forget that story.
My oldest brother told me when I couldn’t have been older than 10 that he would gift me a nose job for my 16th birthday. Pretty sure my insecurities mostly stem from family members. I was also made fun of by family for being skinny and having a flat butt. For years I was insecure about all that stuff and still am to…
My old guy friend, who was 16 at the time, wore a turban to school in 2000. He was always kinda kooky.
Yeah, that “uneducated and poor” part really rubbed me the wrong way. I guess the poors are less capable of having morals and empathy. We, as a society, are willing to give certain people the benefit of the doubt over and over and I just have to wonder why.
Yeah, I’m finding it extremely hard to feel bad for a person who lied under oath protecting people who fucking brutally murdered a 14 year old. You can be damn sure that if I knew anyone I loved did that to anyone I will be turning their ass in and telling what I know. Fuck “loyalty”.