*plugs ears* But that unborn child could be our future president or a doctor or a lawyer!! What if your mom had an abortion? Then you wouldn’t exist.
*plugs ears* But that unborn child could be our future president or a doctor or a lawyer!! What if your mom had an abortion? Then you wouldn’t exist.
I will NEVER ever ever ever understand how a person can allegedly support Bernie Sanders and then vote for Trump. How does that even work? How do you claim to hold similar values to a person such as Bernie (whom I love and voted for in the primaries) and then vote for someone whose values are the complete opposite?
I had a guy like that in my undergrad ballroom class. We had to participate in a mandatory ballroom competition and HE was my partner. He would literally shake my hand and scold me if he felt like I was leading him. I have trouble hiding my true emotions and so I didn’t make it to the semi-finals because his other…
The concept is so unique and ridiculous that I feel like I need to see it!
Pretty sure that person meant they didn’t say he was wrong...
Seriously!! I hate that argument. If I were never born then...I’d never have been born and wouldn’t care because I WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN BORN! Gah!
Just wanna say fuck that video player for making me sit through an ad only for the main video to not work!
Sad, but true. I was very close to calling the cops on my drunk brother once during a physical struggle with my father. I thought about it and envisioned them shooting him to death. I decided against it because it felt like an unnecessary risk. Pathetic.
He’s gross. I met him when I was 15 and he growled in my ear. I ate it up and bragged about it to friends not quite realizing until years after becoming an adult how creeped out I should’ve been. So yeah, this behavior is not surprising at all to me.
Kinda baffling, but not really. People just want to stay in their comfy bubble.
Bahahaha. Exactly my thoughts. They gotta up their psychic skills.
Same... Except I couldn’t threaten. I just had to keep my mouth shut to not make things worse.
Agreed. Also, you made me miss Caity :-(
Some comments involved the potential transmission of disease and infection. I don’t know which argument dominated, but I have a feeling it wasn’t this one.
Gotta be pissed about *something*. Jeez.
I’m getting some unfortunate Chad Michael Murray vibes from this one.
I was one of those who expected her to win and was ready to vote third party up until the moment I headed to the polls. I live in a swing state now and I just couldn’t do it. Ultimately, it was for nothing, but my conscience is clear.
The silence of your giddy classmate as you tell him that Trump’s sexism and racism is the root of your disgust with him is extremely telling...
I didn’t realize it was a secret.
I heard about this before. I’m so glad the charges were thrown out, but I’m sad he had to go through that crap at the hands of people who allegedly loved him. Please hug him for me.