
I almost had a heart attack just now. What the fuck?!

Nooo, that’s awful! That grosses me out so much.

It was. He also sent the class an email that the pope endorsed Trump. Quite the critical thinker!

I witnessed this in person today in class. Ugh. So gross. And then he proceeded to pretend like he cared about black people with talk about how the Clinton administration put so many black people in prison (it did) and mentioned Margaret Sanger’s mission to destroy the black race via abortion and the pill (untrue).

There’s this weird T-intersection (I think I just made that up) in the Valley where there are two crosswalks literally 20 feet from each other and on the horizontal bar of the T. I was walking past the first crosswalk/button thinking that by the time I got to the second one the light would have changed and I would get

Except that time I assumed the crosswalk button didn’t do anything and I had to wait for another round of lights before I could walk.

The end is pure fucking gold. It made my heart smile, for real.

I finished watching it a few months ago without even realizing it until I tried to watch the next episode 😭

Haha, oh my dear. That is SO and I are going to do the whole marriage thing. I like my last name just fine! But I imagine if I hated it I would jump so quick to change it.

I actually kinda like that. It’s got a children’s story feel to it. But could you imagine, if you guys got married, how many people would’ve commented on your name??

Jennifer apparently needs to be a bit more generous to Paul and me. We could split it :-D

I’ve seen two and one couple ended up divorcing. I saw Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke and Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany. Each couple were out walking with their children. Fingers crossed for Jennifer and Paul!

I tried to Shazam the music, but it gave me some techno music instead! Tried googling, but didn’t find anything. I wish I knew what it was.

For me, the melody of the music and how it combines with the vocals matter more to me than the lyrics or quality of the vocals. However, there are times when I can’t stand the vocals or the lyrics are just too dumb. I don’t really know what it is, but sometimes I can ignore technically not great vocals and lyrics and

Bought these recently and if you’re taller than average go with the 34" inseam as the 32" would fit like it does in the photo. If you’re okay with that then go for it, but I’m not comfortable with my jeans hiking so much up my leg when I sit. They fit like a dream otherwise!

Bought these recently and if you’re taller than average go with the 34" inseam as the 32" would fit like it does in

Her part is so good though!! I listen to it really only because of her part.

Aw, man, that sounds adorable. That song is so good! I always blast it when it pops up on my iPod in the car.

Ever see pics of cheerleaders and gymnasts with their coaches/trainers/whatever? There’s this whole thing where they take pics of themselves being held like that. It’s so weird to me and I don’t get it.

It’s really too bad she’s a dick. She puts an American flag on every home and apparently a family took it down. She had an issue with that and made a big thing of it on her Facebook telling them to leave the country if they don’t like it. Fuck her.

One can only hope it ends here.