
It does and it’s terrible. I thought that was because of the plastic stirrer I used as a straw, but it makes more sense that it’s the damn pod. Gross.

What a fucking Idiot.

You’ve seen the light, my dear.

My dad did this with my brother. I ran away and would do the same as an adult.

Hah! As an ‘84 baby, I felt similarly when, at my old job at a university, I saw a birth year of 1993. And kids born in 2000 are soon to be legal adults.

Such a simple concept that seems extremely difficult for many to grasp. Le sigh.

Omg, Lindy, I was in third grade too. You are not alone. My SO has us beat though. He peed himself in high school...

I fell off of a bike once because a bug buzzed in my ear :x The irony is that I crashed into the grass on the side of the trail which happened to be *filled* with grasshoppers though I’m actually okay with those guys. The buzzing drives me insane. My SO and I went hiking once and the bugs buzzing in my ears actually

I’m subscribed to the curly hair a subreddit and every couple months there’s a post asking if people straighten their hair for job interviews. It’s mildly depressing to see how many people do that. People with straight hair can just wear their hair down with no problem, but wearing curly hair down is seen as

I’ve never had full curly bands, only side ones, but man, I loved them! So pretty.

I’m still waiting on Nano Baby to release an app because I had one as a child and it disappeared. I had it at my aunt’s house and then I couldn’t find it. I’m guessing someone stole it, but who would do that?? I have so many unresolved feelings about it.

The sauna one makes it look like he’s on the toilet! Usher, honey, just stop!

I’m super late, but there was also his collaboration with Kate Bush on Why Should I Love You?

The waffle maker is now $39.66.

The waffle maker is now $39.66.

You tried. A for effort seriously. The “I don’t owe you anything because I don’t know you” argument is disheartening, but it is enlightening as to why this world is the way it is. thoughts are with his family

Should be writing my paper, but I’m obsessively reloading this page. My god.

The recording studio?

You know what, based on how he got rid of pretty much anything Prince-related on Youtube a few years ago, I believe it! There was this awesome, old footage of him practicing Something in the Water with his band which disappeared when he went copyright crazy.

They did report on him. On their IG page they made a post so I have no doubt they also made a post on their FB.