Everything. How does one go from the hopeful kid in that article to a murderer, if he is indeed the killer?
Everything. How does one go from the hopeful kid in that article to a murderer, if he is indeed the killer?
It’s things like this that make it harder to hate. It’s not so cut and dry when you learn background info which humanizes the suspect.
In Julianne’s defense, I flushed at my parents’ house for years and it never clogged their system. They moved and now have a septic system and after moving back home for almost a year where I couldn’t flush I got used to it. I’ve since moved and I no longer flush tampons. Hooray for me!
Keegan, please, just stop.
Good thing I checked before posting the same thing! *high five*
Thanks for sharing. His post took a lot of maturity and humility. Personally, I would’ve been like fuck her for getting in my face and touching me, but he was able to see beyond that after talking with his friend. Good on him. He’s better than I.
I can imagine. You probably don’t want to feel like you’re putting your problems on her, but she loves you and part of loving someone is wanting to be there for them always even if it’s the middle of the night after a long day.
Er, don’t know where “saying” came from, but please ignore it.
Aw, Fig. I see your comments saying so I recognize your avatar and name. We don’t talk, but in my head we’re friendly. We’re part of this community. I’m glad you were able to receive help from your therapist when you needed it most, but remember your wife is supposed to be there for you through thick and thin. I’m so…
I dismiss pretty much anyone’s opinion as soon as I see the use of “PC”. I no longer have any interest in what that person has to say because it indicates to me that they care less about actual human beings than about not being able to say whatever they want without criticism.
Yes to all of that! It’s a hard pill to swallow and it makes me wonder what the hell has to happen for people to wake up. What has to happen for people to get sick of the same old shit in a different package?
That is sadly ironic! I wonder what future people will think of the past few decades with all of the nips and tucks and fat transfers. I’m especially interested in what people will think of the current trend of butt jobs.
As a fellow POC, I too am disappointed. I’m not surprised, but there is certainly a level of sadness in me right now.
Holy shit! I wondered who that was. I would’ve never guessed it.
He’s over blue balls, I see.
She did used to be that way. I read something recently where she said she doesn’t mind either pronoun though she prefers “she”. I’ll happily oblige!
It’s so hard to imagine that unwanted advances, especially during a fucking interview would make someone feel uncomfortable. How far up his ass is this guy’s head?!
I believe it’s just a matter of her holding her head in a different position. In the second pic I think she held her chin a little higher up so her jaw looks more defined than the other one where he chin is tilted down a bit more.
If you’re not up for hanging out then say so! I know someone who simply doesn’t respond and then I have to come to the conclusion that we’re not hanging out. It’s shitty. Just be honest and say you’re not doing so well today.