
In this case, I think it lasts up to a year.

Major side eye to Bailey for going on tv with 5th day hair!

Hah, it’s possible. The times it has happened I would send it to someone I was talking about or who is related to what I’m saying. I just remembered that I never did find out if my brother got that text because I canceled it. I canceled it really late and this was probably ten years ago so I could only pray it worked.

Sometimes you choose the recipient and it ends up being someone you were thinking of instead of the intended person. I once sent my brother a text that was meant for my SO in which I called my brother’s then wife insane!

Or, you’re a person like me who has never wanted to go to the gym and only enjoys completing the exercises. Sigh.

I still can’t believe he’s gone.

You rule, thanks!

Out of your list I’ve only heard Santigold and Twin Shadow. Got any recommendations for the others? I’ve been horrible at listening to new music. Tanlines has released a new one with a few good songs on it. Also, I wholeheartedly agree with you about fostering good music taste while they’re young. At some point they

During a road trip with my brother and nephew (he was 6 at the time), I played a mix that had Disparate Youth in it and as soon as the song came on my nephew went crazy. I hope my brother keeps up the good work!

Her part is so good though!! I’ll take the hit so I can hear her in the latter half.

Seriously! My hair is 3b and I would never use the word to describe my hair or anyone else’s for that matter. Jeez.

I like it, but I agree!

Bad enough that it was vomit, but it was blue! I can’t imagine how hard it was to remove that stain, assuming it was on a carpet/rug. I was 15 or so at the time of my incident and made it to the sink. My brother was showering and I didn’t want to be right next to him. Don’t worry, I bleached the sink and everything in

Papa Johns pizza and blue kool aid vomit. THE WORST. The most disgusting shit ever. That happened 15 years ago and I won’t eat pizza for breakfast (obv better for it) and sure as hell won’t eat pizza with kool aid (I don’t drink that stuff anymore anyway). Ew.

Years ago I went out with three friends. The two white friends doubled up and went ahead of us. And then my friend and I (both POC) doubled up and right as were exiting two cops showed up and took us to the precinct. Maybe they only saw us do it. I don’t know.

Well, when you have so many people stating racial preference in dating as a perfectly acceptable “preference” and equating it with not dating short men, you know we have a long way to go.

Aubrey’s New Butt brought to you by Cosmetic Surgery and Adobe Photoshop! Coming to a store near you.

One time my SO and I were going at it when I started imagining how ridiculous we must look from above. I didn’t mention it and yet we both started laughing and shortly found out because we had similar thoughts about the ridiculousness of it all.

I have never been ungreyed because I don’t post often enough and what I do post tends to be responses to others more than anything else. I’m okay with this.

She seems to take offense very easily.