
Thank you, Tracy, for saying what I’ve been saying all along! No, “I just don’t find black women attractive and never have.”, is not “just a preference”!

Oh dear, so true! He is vile.

This happened to me once, but he laughed too because he was thinking the same thing!

Yay! I’m so glad someone brought this up. I binge watched that show. It was so good and I’m glad I randomly decided to pick it up on Netflix. I was so sad when it ended.

I wanted to read the story, but I didn’t want to click the link. I’m so glad Jez didn't use it not that I expected they would.

Kill me now. I just had to reread the title because at first I read it as “Peeple is definitely hiring...”. I have seen the word defiantly used SO MANY TIMES when people actually mean definitely.

I have had so much fun playing Destiny! I don’t regret playing one minute of it for the past year at all. Okay, I lied. Skolas sucked ass and I was so scarred I never tried it again.

Ah, I lived there for a few years until last Feb! I’m glad you’ve found someone you love. It’s not easy with curly hair.

Thank you. The first time I went for bangs I felt so good so eff this article. Please tell me you live in Florida so I can visit your hairstylist! I’ll keep my hopes down.

I haven’t had curly bangs in over a year, but I’m itching to go back. You’re rocking the curls and the bangs! Props to you!

There are phone apps where you can draw over photos too.

I’m not a jerk! Message me your username and I’ll add you.

My SO was a horrible kisser! He shoved his tongue in my mouth and moved it around like he was frantically searching for something. I told him and now he kisses so much better. It was a similar thing with sex. I explained to him that it wasn’t working for me and he improved his pacing and rhythm.

Have you heard her new song, In Time? Soooo good!

Jesus released her from her shackles!

If I could live in a shower without my skin sloughing off completely, I would.

If it makes you (us) feel any better, I had an encounter with a 7-year-old recently that left me amused. She was going to the beach with her mother and a few other adults. She came up to me and said, “Can you go to the beach with us because I’m going to be the only kid there?” For the record, I am 31 and she knew

I hope I didn’t make it sound easy. But you are 100% correct! There’s nothing easy about it and people risk their lives everyday in an attempt to live a better life.

Seeing how certain people behaved after consuming alcohol scared me away for life! Very angry, occasionally scary people. Also, I am a bit of a vomit phobe/control freak so being drunk has never appealed to me.

I think he wants a cookie. My parents went through the whole process and it took years for both of them. And somehow they don’t begrudge others who went the other route. I think people just need to remember that these “illegals” are human beings too. They want what we all want and were simply dealt a shitty hand in