
Seems like Nicki was fake mad, but Miley wasn’t in on it.

At the end of the wake for an uncle (he was actually my grandma’s old SO, but we refer to elders as Auntie and Uncle) of mine, my brother and I greet my aunt (actual aunt, wasn’t dating/married to the uncle who died) whom I hadn’t seen in a few years. She looks at me and says, “Wait, who’s this? Your wife?” So

I usually don’t adhere to the dates strictly, but my SO is a bit of a stickler. I’ll have to show him this post. I have noticed a change in flavor for certain products after a while like salad dressing but sometimes I wonder if it’s all in my head. Anyway, I just added Marinelli’s to my shopping list! It sounds

This should make us all feel a bit more comfortable with eating food that’s past the “best by” date and “expired” foods if they smell/look fine!

Hah! You’re right. I say let her know after the bears have left and you confirm the damage. Could you imagine watching as your favorite thing is slowly destroyed before your eyes? Torture!

Dad comes in complaining and saying the pool is likely shot and then tells the kid to calm down! Zero sense there.

Dead Alive, thank you very much!

I turned 31 a couple months ago. Trying to organize a birthday dinner made me realize that I am so over them. I ordered Chinese takeout and ate dinner at home with my family. It used to feel worth it, but now I just can’t be bothered.

This whole comment thread is so strange to me. I’ve gone out with my friends plenty and “itemizing” has NEVER been a problem for any of us. None of us feels juvenile doing it and none of us complains about it. We all look at how much we owe and add tip and that’s it. Quite simple!

I only shave/trim the top and sides when I feel like it which is maybe once every couple of months. I don’t bother with my labia because shaving that hair makes for torture when it grows back.

In Time makes me swoooooon!

Eh, I like Bjork and Twigs.

I came here looking for a serious post too. Ah well. I found the wedding band I want! It’s nice and simple and gem-free.

I love both Cocteau Twins and Beach House!

I don’t want to read Yoko’s tweets yet I do every day because I don’t read the handle until after. Fuck me.

Oh yes, I know from second-hand experience! My brother and his wife definitely have some issues when it comes to buying things for the house because they spend their own money on it. So, it’s always, “I bought this.” Or “He didn’t buy that.” My mother has been telling him to get a joint account with her, but they

Totally agree with joint plus separate accounts! Each person can put a percentage of their money into the joint account to cover monthly costs and have their own separate accounts to cover whatever they want. I think that’s the best idea.

Yes! It is so deliciously evil.

Well...he did tell her that she’s going to die soon so I’ll mark that off as a win.

A couple months ago I had a great idea to save a bit of money. My SO and I shared a hotel room with my parents. My mom snores horribly. At some point her and my dad were have a snore contest. The worst. We went to the lobby in the hopes of finding earplugs. No luck. NEVER AGAIN!!