
Totally agree! I had a group I played with regularly but due to current circumstances I stopped playing. I am now a few levels behind everyone and they’re all doing things I can’t. It sucks. And I would play with my SO but we would need two PS4’s and two copies of Destiny which is silly.

Here I am thinking she was talking about a joint... It didn’t make sense to me. Whoops.

Perfect gif is perfect!

I replied to someone else about this already. Clumpy wasn’t the right word for this. Her bottom lashes just have way too much mascara on them. And regarding the ad....Ms. Ing posted it!!! I hadn’t seen it before. Awful stuff!

Oh my word. That is terrible!!

I was referring to the bottom lashes. Maybe clumping wasn’t the best word to use. But there’s just way too much mascara on them.

Remember commercials about clumpy lashes? How it became something to aspire to is beyond me!

I call them spider legs. It’s a thing now. Not sure why.

The only reason I was even able to learn how to swim is because my parents could afford to take us to swimming lessons at the YMCA. I grew up in a very poor neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York and my brother and I were among the more fortunate.

I see it working frequently these days, especially when it’s race-related *throws hands up*

Between that and awful people posting shit about the confederate flag and Caitlyn Jenner, I just had to go! For now I’ve just deactivated it and I may actually just ignore it forever and never delete it.

Forgot to add that we didn’t have to throw anything out. I hope the same for you if it is indeed bedbugs.

Look for signs of their presence: casings from when they molt and poop (small, dark brown spots). Look in seams and folds of fabric on your bed and other pieces of furniture. Also, bedbug bites tend to come in threes.

Middle parts with straight hair look way better than curly hair. I think it’s just that curly hair tends to be pyramid-ish depending on the cut so middle parts just make it more obvious.

I can see how that would look okay. I had bangs last year and they looked pretty good with a side part. Didn’t try the middle part though! I kinda really want bangs again so I’ll try it out.

Hmm, that could actually be most of the problem! Center parts are rarely flattering especially for those with curly hair. I’ve been rocking a side part for years now because it looks so much better!

Jenna needs to go to a curly hairstylist for a proper curly cut. It’s not bad, but it could be so much better.

And I just realized 50 billion others responded with the same comment. Whoops.

I got $.25!

No problem! According to what I’ve read they were frequently attacked by North African pirates so it makes sense that intermixing happened.