
Ugh! Best of luck.

Is it possible for them to reimburse you the cost for the months you paid when you weren’t supposed to?

No need for an apology ;) I’ll be looking Rehm up too. Thanks for the recommendations!

Hey, thanks for posting this. I’ve never heard of that book so I googled it. It’s actually Suns, not Sons. Guess it doesn’t really matter much since people will find the book either way.

Yeah... I’d probably dip out before the reception if I were you.

Holy shit. What a turd. On a side note, I’m kind of surprised that he would admit the intermixing though he chose to do it in such an awful way. Wow.

Exactly. When there’s a group such as the Log Cabin Repubs I have no doubt that this man is speaking the truth.

Yeah, I was disappointed upon reading.

Oh my god, yes! I was saying that earlier. They’re so transparent!

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt that this information wasn’t available to them at the time. That will help me not have a rage stroke.

So, my nosy older brother came by my computer and saw this page and proceeded to tell me what he “just” does. I’m paraphrasing, but he said, “I just say ‘Nice.’ and walk away. Or, I’ll say, ‘You’re beautiful.’ and walk away.” I told him that imo he shouldn’t say anything at all to which he then told me “Get over

Hmm, interesting. I know Jez has plenty of male readers/commenters, but I just automatically assumed that you were a woman.

Thank you!

Pretty much! Pshhh, who needs riches when you have riches?! Talib has been featured *at least* one other time, maybe twice.

Don’t you just kinda wish people would just say what they need to say without prefacing it with insincere crap?!

For real! He’s so chill. I just can’t see it. Also, “Sorry, but...” The list goes on!

Oh my god, Russell, STFU! Also, Talib, I’d like to add “I’m not racist but...”.

How long did it take for your levels to reach normal for women? Have your levels always been low? If this is my problem it’s been one for 31 years. I’m over it!!

Oy, I feel your pain. I volunteered at an adult day care center for almost a year and it took me almost that long for some people to be friendly with me. I tried, but it wasn’t enough for some. In particular, this one woman out right told that she didn’t even want to talk to me because I was so quiet :/ I must say I

I can totally relate. I remember a classmate threw up not far from me when I was 6 or so and I started crying. The fear actually played a role in me getting kicked out of a free ballet program when I was in elementary school. The free bus that picked me up and took me to the school would also pick up other kids. One