Mac with prosciutto?! Omg, that sounds amazing! *drooling*
Mac with prosciutto?! Omg, that sounds amazing! *drooling*
Moving across the country is one of the great ways to see who your friends truly are. I feel like I really only have one friend. She texts me to see how I'm doing or talk about random crap. I don't have to contact her first! She listens to me when I need to vent. Of course, I do the same for her. Since moving I've…
I have a "friend" like this. It is the worst. I never feel like this person actually gives a shit about me or anything that's going on in my life. They will throw me a bone every once in a while but mainly it's just me listening to their problems. Hanging out with them is so incredibly draining and boring. I'd yawn…
And so many apps these days are $3+! I haven't bought an app in a while.
The link goes to Amazon though. I think that's what Briareos was trying to say.
Do you think it could be that New Yorkers walk more so they are more exposed to that kind of thing? I live in L.A. now and I don't get cat-called much. My first thought was that men were more polite here but then I realized it's likely just that I don't walk half as much here than I did when I was living in NY.
Did you read the source? I found it amazing that they even knew who to look for. Apparently, a woman found some trash in her driveway. The trash included a receipt. For some reason this lady decides to contact authorities in regards to the abduction of Carlesha. They used the receipt to find his name and the rest is…
And there are many men who sense it and think it's sexist and don't feel they should cater to a paranoid person.
"Mm, mm, mm, I'll take that home and split it." I wish I made that up.
I was promised puppies and kittens! I am half-disappoint.
Heads up, according to the video, it's "Jungle of Bitches".
Clearly, she needs to work on her clairvoyance skills!
But won't you think of the feelings of all those men who you assume are going to rape and kill you? /s
Don't make me choose!!!
My friend went through two miscarriages before she realized she needed to not announce so early. I felt awful for her.
Hah! Wow. That's embarrassing. I'm glad she realized it though. Also, asking questions first is a good idea! I do that sometimes too.
Omg, me too, except the babay isn't brand new, but eight months old! Enjoy the trip!
Sometimes I wonder if I am perceived as doing this when my intention is only to find common ground with people and relate. *shrugs* I try to be aware and sometimes I don't do it because the voice in my head tells me the person will think I'm trying to take their spotlight or something.
I like when it happens which of relatively often, but it's not a goal. It's something that just happens. I go first usually and then that makes him go or occasionally it's the other way around. It never happens exactly at the same moment but one starts the other and them we're going together.