
Okay, you can compare photos from about 24 to about 27 (years before North) and you can still see the difference. You just don't grow a butt in your mid to late 20s. You either have one by then or you don't. In these pics you can see that her weight has not changed much, if at all.
Edit: If you look at her in a bikini

It can be, but in her case it's not. If you look at "before" photos from when she was about 24 it's obvious that she got a Brazilian, among other cosmetic procedures.

Double post!

Brazilian butt lift! That procedure consists of lipo on the stomach area and injections of that fat into hips and ass. It will always look bizarre when people go overboard, such as Kim K!

They dropped the ball on this one. Where's Doutzen?

She hardly even has to try!

Ahem! I think you mean a bfs! ;)

I'm glad you didn't mean that, but I do see now what you meant. It's pathetic that he felt the need to hop on his soap box. Idiot!

I'm glad you didn't mean that, but I do see now what you meant. It's pathetic that he felt the need to hop on his soap box. Idiot!

I don't think so. All it takes is compassion and empathy which many people lack. I have never been close to an addict and I don't think that prevents me from feeling sad for those who succumb to addiction.

Oh man, I do too! I can only take so much before I'm ready to pull away.

Same here. Recently, I watched my bf 's niece while her dad slept and she started crying and woke up her dad. It was so uncomfortable! I did nothing to cause her to cry but I felt so guilty! I could only imagine how I'd feel if she got hurt. I'm glad you're getting better though.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, Kookla! When I've been around people's kids even just having them cry while they're around/with me makes me feel awful. I can only imagine how horrible you felt.

I hate it so much when they think it's okay because ONE "insert race here" person was okay with it. You know it wouldn't matter to them even if they didn't have that one person who thought it was funny.

Something white candles bright?

Am I missing something? The website says CA is a no statute state.

But people do care as is evidenced by the fact that it is featured on this website. We just need to never feature her again. I honestly forgot she existed until this crap.

Kinja. We should just blame Kinja for everything. Late to work? Kinja. Didn't finish that paper? Kinja.

I agree 100%. I like Stacy and this was disappointing for me.

For me it's just general funk that comes from all of the different surfaces I sit on combined with body lotion. I don't wash until that smell becomes particularly noticeable or my jeans get too stretched out at the knees. It's all about preservation of color and fit!