It's a weird thing, right? I have three siblings and we could not be anymore different in some areas of our personality/character.
It's a weird thing, right? I have three siblings and we could not be anymore different in some areas of our personality/character.
I could not help but laugh when my dog would get them! So cute and funny.
I think he looks like a young Rob Ford.
It is and it's really great when people can make the transition.
That's really cool! I never saw anyone skate but in elementary school I performed in a tap/ballet performance featuring Gregory Hines and I got to see Kristi and Scott waiting to enter the building. That was awesome.
Surya Bonali, Kristi Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan, Oksana Baiul, Brian Boitano
Season 12: South Pacific! I don't watch Grimm but I saw that he was on the show and thought he looked so familiar.
Anyone remember this guy from Road Rules?
My little old comment resulted in an awesome batch of gifs?? I must say I'm pleased.
I thought I'd pass the gift along!
I'm still baffled he got them to fuck him let alone marry him.
I don't remember what dubstep sounded like before Skrillex came along. I just know I didn't like it then and don't like it now either.
:) Love her and this video!
Here's the choreography! She is awesome.
My grandma told me that he showed his penis in public. I was a bit baffled, but certainly more sad that his show went off the air than anything else.
Me too! I loved him so much that when I was a kid I cried at the end when he rode away on his bicycle.
Man! I haven't seen that movie since it came out!
Me, too! At a diner... And I can't think of one thing he has been in.
That's exactly what I thought when this shit started going around. It's unbelievable! I don't know why I'm surprised anymore.