
Yeah man. It's painful.

Haha, that's awesome! I also try to compromise by snuggling on the couch. It's easy and passive so it's my kind of thing.

Haha. At night, my boyfriend seriously tries to wrap his body around mine, feet and all. It only happens occasionally, but when it does I'm all "Give me some space!" And when I try to be more physically affectionate, before long I just end up feeling like I've had enough. What a cute nickname! I get pretty hot at

My boyfriend and I have somewhat of an imbalance. I'm not touchy-feely, but he is. Thankfully, he's okay with me not being as touchy as he is. The good thing is that I express my love for him in other ways and when I do touch him he appreciates it that much more :)

Agreed. I used to talk back when I was younger, but I stopped once I realized that a simple thing like that could possibly turn it into a worse situation. No thanks. It's not worth the risk.

"I wear your liquid kiss." That's some sexy shit!

Thank you, Kookla, for being the voice of reason here. Why is no one else saying this? I feel like Jez is reaching here with this one.

I am so glad that I don't have this problem. I've been saying that I don't want kids since I was about 14 years old. Everybody I know and love knows where I stand on it...sort of. Most people don't know that in the past couple of years I have been rethinking my position. I'm at the point where having a child seems

A broken heart can be healed over time, but some STDs are with us forever. So, yeah, if my boyfriend of 6 years ever decides to cheat on me it will be the end.

Um yeah, they've been told that they're trying to protect people and maybe they even believe it, but we know the truth.

My brother and his fiancee bought the cutest dachshund puppy from a pet store earlier this year. Prior to the purchase I pleaded with my brother not to buy the pup from a store. He didn't listen and they bought the puppy for about $700. Within 8 hours of arriving at their home the puppy started having intestinal

It's cool! No judgment here :)

True. Hah! Now that's a feat I'm okay with being incapable of! Also, it's per se, for future reference.

Oh damn, first a toddler embarrassed me into learning how to swim and now dogs are embarrassing me into learning how to drive.

My father has been a major stickler (read: asshole) for proper grammar and pronunciation throughout all of my life and yet he, of all people, will text me using shorthand. To top it off, he types shorthand that no one else uses! I can't think of any examples right now, but he might type "cptr" instead of computer or

I met him. His sis worked as the after school director at my school so she got him to come in one day and give a speech at our awards ceremony. He gave out our awards and when it was my turn to get mine he gave me a one-armed hug and growled in my ear. I was freaking out on the inside, "OMG, Vin Diesel growled in my

Please, somebody make Rihanna go away.

Apparently, those shown have all been adopted :) "All the dogs pictured here were adopted." That's from the photographyserved website.

Aw, that's so sweet! Also, your eyebrows are feckin' fierce!

That's what I think too. I know people like this exist, but I honestly think this one is a troll.