
No! Violence is not the answer! (run them off the road) You should call your congressperson, or write strongly-worded letters to them voicing your concerns (make them pay).

If she actually had tried to run them off the road, sure. Instead, she’s getting charged with “felony reckless endangerment” for . . . following his car, blocking him in a driveway, yelling, and hitting the car window with her fists.

Okay, where does it say she actually tried to run him off the road instead of following him to express her opinion when he stopped his car because he wouldn’t engage with her on campus?

I doubt that this woman thought she was protesting.

I’ll allow it

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

“What brings us together is that we are very scared, highly unintelligent; both intellectually and emotionally, extremely bigoted, wrong, and soon to be forgotten very quickly.”

Racist Snowflakes. They should just get over The Civil War already.

He’s saying that people weren’t buying the diverse books, the books with female and POC leads, because they were diverse and new.

It would be a terrible look if Marvel’s VP of sales actually had done that, but he didn’t.

This is dumb as hell. With a company as wealthy as Disney, sales on a book like this should not matter.

*makes Captain America a Nazi*

People who fight against new words are fucking old and stupid, words are created and used, it comes back, it goes away, that is language.

Seriously, I cringed reading that embarrassing hippy babble. I mean: “for me it helps me feel more connected to mama gaia”? Poor little idiot.

Thanks Paris! What would our lives be without D list celebrity wisdom.

Throw up in your mouth time.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?

Another interesting tweet.