
This infuriates me and I am not even a citizen.

A few problems: I’m not a male critic. He is not a female pop star. I never wrote that sentence.

I said STEP for a reason.

Jeff placed a person into a potentially dangerous situation because of a fucking game, and he claims it was because he was ignorant of transgender issues but is now educating himself. Fuck you, Jeff. The only reason to be misinformed about transgender issues in this our year of the lord April 2017 is because you

NOPE. I am done with this lady.

I’d rather have an unauthorized biography.

Both atlrticles are right, tho. You have your subset of Trump supporter that is your everyday down the line -R voter who will support him so long as he isn’t a -D: older, wealthier white folks. And you have the other half (deplorables, if you will): the conspiracy breeding alt-right, Nazi white supremacist

I can’t for the life of me understand why Jack Dorsey hasn’t had the guts to pull the plug on the presidential Twitter account if for nothing else having used it to bully people, which is explicitly against their terms of service. They’ve banned far less bullying accounts.

I feel like, at this point, Twitter should shut itself down out of public necessity or some shit.

I had read that Lisa Kudrow was going to be a judge, I was so confused when she up and left.

I only hope that VH1 irons out the kinks before s10 comes along. I know that transitioning from one channel to another has probably been a bit of a struggle but this season has felt weird so far.

It’s not a typo - according to which transcription you read, Trump either said, “they’ve done a job” “they’ve done the job” or “they’ve done their job.” In the video, it sounds like he says “they’ve done a job.” But, honestly, who the hell knows? He doesn’t even know.

I think post-Trump, those days are over. These people are out-and-proud, now.

Other way around, dear.

Yeah, take this #WellActually hot take bullshit somewhere else. Thanks.

*blowing a black man

To quote the old dad joke, “Who’s ‘we,’ white man?”

Hot Take: I think “unconstitutional shit” in the face of slavery should get a pass.

Sigh...these people. They are so angry that Black people have the nerve not to be enslaved anymore. That they may have to sit next to a table full of us at a restaurant, or that their kid may have to take orders from one of us.