
Didn’t vote for Trump, actively campaigned for Hillary, and am on Obamacare with subsidized payments. I’m sorry you see my health as collateral damage. The “who cares, it’s not me” mentality is what got us in this mess in the first place.

Holding people hostage.

The Post got the 33,000 new beds figure wrong. The memo says ICE has “identified” 21,000 beds for long-term (>72 hours) detention, but only has contracts for another 1,700 and would need more money to buy more. It also says CBP has IDd space for 12,000 more people to be held in short-term (<72 hrs) detention. The

I wonder how they know that this is suicide. Not saying it for sure isn’t but there’s some huge red flags going on here.

You didn’t know Muslims were not Jewish?

More like X-Meh: Blah, amirite folks

I hope he won’t come back from his vacation at all.

It leads to more questions IMO. How did Trump even hear about Carter Page? How did he even hear about Manafort for that matter? Who recommended them and why?

Time to fire some more missiles.

 Spicer’s only “qualification” is that he’ll lick Trump’s boots. Loyalty is all this administration cares about - competence is an afterthought.

You know, like those slavery cruises!

I’ve been spending so much $$$ on weed lately, just to keep sane.

April Ryan has always had my respect, but in the last 3 months she has become one of my fucking HEROES. This woman is holding the line for truth and decency against hordes of terrible, dumb, evil old white dudes. She and Maxine Waters are keeping my soul alive.

I now love April Ryan as much as I dislike Spiced Nuts.

Umm, you’ve been able to buy this kind of stuff at museum gift shops for forever. How is this revolutionary?

“Why are they booing?”
“Oh, sir, they’re not booing! They’re saying Koooons.”

Absolutely. Now here is someone who legit understands what ‘Christian principles’ are really supposed to be about- compassion! Empathy!

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

WE, however, do have something to celebrate.

Have they ever seen local news?? This is nothing.