
Dumb fucks.

I only use nontoxic cleansers live vinagre when I clean in dresses in front of men so that when they comment and I spray them in the eyes with the cleaner it’s a “funny joke” that burns but doesn’t result in blindness or assault charges.

He is incredibly talented. Also, the unsung heroes of SNL have got to be the folks in the wardrobe/makeup department who consistently transform the cast members into freakishly accurate likenesses of whomever they are lampooning.

Say Yes to Distress

Why? Is it choking her? I need to look at this again.

When you realize Omarosa found someone who is OK with being married to her, but you haven’t made it past a first date in almost 3 years.

Fuck you guys. One of my cats was vomiting this week. Like bile and stuff. It took me a couple days to figure out which one because they were all acting normally. I finally figured out it was my Tiny Wots, so I took her straight to the vet. She was refusing food and water. Doctor felt a mass in her abdomen. They took

I thought more like Tracee Ellis Ross (at least face-shape wise) but I refuse to remember what dolezal looks like.

All of these exist with the sole purpose of being featured in instagram photoshoots.


Will the sun come up tomorrow?

Soooo... basically white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them? Huh. Wonder how THAT feels...

Except torture/waterboarding does not work in acquiring any real information anyway so it is pointless.

Now playing

This testimony yesterday is telling. Partly because of what it says, but maybe more because Senate Republicans didn’t try to stop it, or really challenge it, or hold a press conference to say it is false.

I have thought the same and my hopes echo yours, believe me.

Or maybe he is, which is my worry: that the investigation is going to waste a lot of time and money on Flynn, that Flynn has already made some agreement to let only a tiny part of this go and make it look like everything, and the cartel wins. I hope there’s a way to call Flynn’s bluff, reject his appeal for immunity,

Run. fast.

I used to love Joss. Really I did. I still love Buffy and Firefly dearly. But even I cannot get past the “no babies means I’m a monster” crap.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.